Monday's Muse~Friends' Debuts

These lovely covers are from books by my friends that are releasing next month. As their release dates loom just around the corner they have been inspiring me more and more. Jessica Subject's romantic sci-fi tale, Celestial Seduction releases July 1st, Denise Grover Swank's paranormal mystery, Twenty-Eight And A Half Wishes releases July 15th, and Eisley Jacobs's middle grade fantasy, Born To Be A Dragon, Releases July 20th. These ladies have inspired me not only because they are my friends and are fantastic, supportive people, but because they are outstanding writers as well. Their grasp of the writing craft is something I aspire to.

During the first three weeks of July on my critique group's blog, the Critique Sisters Corner, we'll be interviewing one of these fabulous ladies each week to chat about their novels. Be sure to stop by CSC starting July 1st for the first interview. The success of my friend's never fails to inspire me and make me smile. Good things do still happen to good people and that's something we should celebrate. Here's hoping good things happen to each and every one of you.

Do any of you have good news you'd like to share? It doesn't matter how big or how small. Sometimes we have to be reminded to celebrate the little things and the steps along the way that bring us closer to our goals. What inspired you'd last week?


  1. Heather,

    Thank you for sharing news about my upcoming release! When I first went online in search of writing blogs, yours was one of the first I followed. I've always been inspired by everything you post on both blogs.

    And I'm so excited for your release. Can't wait for you to reveal the cover. :)

    Thanks again!

  2. That's awesome that you have so many friends debuting. My good news? Just that I'm squeezing in the time to write regularly now and getting through this round of revisions.

  3. Thank you for sharing these great author's Heather! Friday, July 1st, we'll meet Jessica Subject. Join us on Critique Sister's Corner! Have a brilliant day!

  4. July is going to be a great book review month on CSC thanks to you, Heather! I can't wait to interview Eisley! What inspired me last week? Amazing writers entering Shelley Watters first-page, agent-judged contest on her blog. Entrants got to hop around to each others' blogs and critique each others' first pages, then refine their own before today's official entry into the contest. There are some beautiful writers out there!

  5. Whatever it was that inspired me, it got me excited about the climax and ending of my third book. Celebrating a week off! Yay!
    ~Lorelei of Lorelei's Muse [=

  6. Congratulations to your friends. It's so lovely to have tangible evidence of your creativity. I'm looking forward to reading the interviews.

    I wish I had good news to share. I'm still working on my WIP. It's slow going. While I'm tempted to rush through a draft, I know that I don't produce my best work when I do so. So while I envy you and your friends for having finished products, I can only hope that my day comes soon.

  7. Jessica, that is so sweet of you, thank you so much! I had no idea. :) And thank you for the excitement over my release too!

    Natalie, writing time and getting reviews done is great news! Congrats!

    Karlene, you're very welcome. Thank you so much for embracing them. :)

  8. Linda, it will indeed! I'm pretty excited. And you're right, the writing community is filled with amazing writers!

    Lorelei, enjoy your week off!

    LinWash, thank you! I think you'll enjoy them. Your day will come, keep at it and we'll keep cheering you on!

  9. Yay for everyone!!! :D I am still happy about the release of my anthology (well my story IN the anthology) and I got a review yesterday 5/5 stars. :D

  10. Working together to help each other: A Sisterhood, that's what inspired me!

  11. Congratulations to your friends on their book releases! :)

    Good news? I did start feeling inspired again, after going through another stretch of writer's block.

  12. Lisa, I'm happy about the release of your anthology too! Whoo hoo! I need to put that on my sidebar. :) Congrats on the review!

    Fida, that's an excellent inspiration.

    Golden Eagle, thank you, and I know they thank you. That is good news! Getting over writer's block is monumental! Congrats!

  13. Heather, thank you so much for the shout out! It's so exciting when other people are talking about your book release-- and excited about it too!

  14. Denise, you're very welcome! I know how you feel, it's humbling, frightening, and wonderful all at the same time. Soak it in my dear, you've earned it. :)

  15. I agree with Denise... it is exciting and something we hope to share with you VERY SOON!!!!! :)

  16. Oh what a gorgeous trio of books.
    What clever friends you have :-D

  17. Eisley, I can hardly wait!

    Ebony, they are aren't they?! Thank you! :)

  18. I never get tired of looking at covers. And these are all fabulous!

  19. It's so fun having writer friends--I look forward to see these new books released!

  20. Wow! Congrats to your friends! I haven't any good news like that...been too busy cleaning out my house because it's a sty...exciting stuff, *snort*

  21. Jennifer, me too! They are pretty fantastic aren't they?!

    Elle, it is, and me too!

    Lydia K, thank you, and I know they thank you. Hey, a clean house is good news. ;)

  22. How exciting!
    I love it when my friends debut. :D
    Good news I want to share? Just non-writerly news, lol
    I went to a Chinese restaurant with my hubby and kids today and had a great time!

  23. Monica, me too! Non-writerly news is excellent too, especially when it's a night out with the family!

  24. One thing I love about being a writer is having many, many writer friends! Its the best!

    Congrats to all your friends for their upcoming releases!

  25. Nice. Wow. They all look great. Congrats authors!!


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