Monday's Muse~You!

Last week you were my inspiration, each and every one of you. Announcing my decision to go indie despite the interest of small traditional publishers, was a very scary moment for me. I knew there would be people who wouldn't be happy about it and I knew some would even stop following me, commenting on my blog, and in essence would turn their backs on me. I figured it was inevitable because there are still some people out there who are seriously opposed to self-publishing. I know because I was one of them at one time.

But you all showed me how amazing our writing/reading community truly is. The outpouring of support astounded me and brought me to tears more than once. Of course there were a few who didn't respond and haven't spoken to me since, but they were very few. Your voices of support drowned them out and for that I cannot thank you enough. You've inspired me and made me think that I can do this. I don’t feel alone and that is a wonderful gift that you've given me.

Okay, I'm done being mushy. Time to go kick butt on the revision of book two in the channeler series. If everyone who said they'll buy my book really does, then I darn well better have an outstanding sequel ready for you because you deserve it. :)


  1. You have the right attitude, Heather. In the end, it is YOUR novel and I'm from the school of thought of trusting your instincts.

    Always embrace those you accept you and let the others go. Life it much too short.

    Good luck lady! :)

  2. I wish you all the best Heather and I don't care whether your book is self-published or not. I just want to read it. ;)

  3. You're always there for us too, Heather. You always give support, and you've hung in there through thick and thin, and I really believe that's the key to making it anywhere in this business. I really do look forward to your book. :D

  4. Karen, that's wonderful advice. Thank you so much! Your support means so much.

    Jessica, that is so incredibly sweet! I feel exactly the same way!

    Lisa, that's because I love you peeps so much! You're the best! :-)

  5. I'm actually shocked that people would stop reading your blog because of your choice of how to publish. Call me naive, but I thought it was clear that everyone's journey is different and we musn't compare ourselves to others (or consider their choices as an affront to how we do our own business.)

    In any case, hugs! Too bad for the lost followers. Their loss!

  6. Awww, hugs! You are such a supportive person that's easy to give back to you. Can't wait to read the book! :D

  7. Lorelei Said. . .
    Heather, good for you for being your own person! I also think that people who would quit following you because of your choice of how to publish are being "holier than thou". I've followed you for--what has it been 3 or 4 years now? I was one of your first followers. We came over here from Author Nation. I chose to self-publishe with Infinity, and wasn't afraid to take the chance that it might flop. You have a following and that's where I had failed at the time. You'll make it. I know you will. You've got a lot of support, lady. You deserve this. You Go Girl!!!

    Also, will this book be in physical form? I hope so, it's the only way I'll be able to read it!!!!

  8. What?! I can't imagine people would turn their backs on you. Publishing is a constantly changing business. You have to go with it.
    Best of luck with it!!!

  9. Really?? People do that?? Then again, we've lost several followers in the past month, too - but we hope it's because people who followed us a long time ago maybe don't have blogs anymore and their accounts got deleted?? (we're optimistic like that)

  10. Lydia K, thank you so much. I couldn't agree more, every road is different. :)

    Brenda, it's my pleasure supporting such amazing people as yourself! Thank you. *sniffles*

  11. Lorelei, it has been four years! Time flies when you're spending it with good friends doesn't it?! :) Thank you so much for your confidence. You will get there too I just know it! I loved Vampire Ascending! And yes, The Secret Of Spruce Knoll will be releasing in hardback and paperback editions! I would never want to leave my lovely friends like you out of the loop.

    Erica, they do unfortunately. I love your optimism! I'm going with that. :)

  12. It really is their loss if they stop following you and didn't understand your well-thought-out decision. Ditto what Lydia said! Never doubt that we're behind you, and thrilled for ourselves as well as you to see how this process works! And yes, make sure that book two is fantastic!! :-))

  13. Heather, it amazes anyone would turn their back on you for self-publishing. Your courage and strength to have the ability to open your eyes and see other possibilities is outstanding. Go without fear! Leave those closed minded peeps behind. You're such a support to deserve that back. Yes... get that sequel ready. We'll be wanting it!

  14. This is an awesome blog! Who would stop following you? :)

  15. Linda, I can't tell you how much that means. Thank you!

    Karlene, without fear, I love that! Thanks! With amazing people like you behind me, how can I not?!

    LVW, that is so sweet. Thank you so much!

  16. How could people be so foolish. You are a smart, savvy, creative, and talented woman, why on earth would they turn on you because you picked a venue that suites you better.

    I ams SO glad that the rest of us know where our loyalties lie... You are a treasured and helpful friend. Stupid people....

  17. Michael, your kind words mean so much. I'm staggered by your support, as well as everyone else's. I treasure you as well! So much!

  18. Good for you!! I can't wait to read your book!

  19. When will your book be available?

  20. Melissa, thank you, on both counts!!!

    Lin, it should be releasing late this August but that is subject to change slightly either before or after. I'll keep you updated!

  21. WHAT?!? I can't believe that anyone would stop following for that reason! You're so helpful as a writer and an amazing writer on top of it! If someone were ever to truly stop following you due to your choice on how you choose to be published, it's TOTALLY his/her loss! I'm excited for you and can't wait for the story of you journey...and more importantly-your book! christy

  22. Lorelei Said...
    Oh, good! I'll be happily awaiting the moment. Thanks so much Heather!

  23. I agree!

    The outpouring of support in the writing community is astounding! Not that I've gone through anything as drastic as a publishing decision like you (still workin' on it!), but I can't help but feel so thankful for all the bits of encouragement and support that seem to pour unconditionally out of other struggling writers. Its fantastic to have such an amazing support group!

    P.s. I'm glad we were able to drown out the negativity ( : You rock.


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