June Debut Author~Myra McEntire

I've been lucky enough to have followed along the journey of this month's featured debut author for a long time now. It is my good friend Myra McEntire and in only a few days you'll be able to buy her paranormal young adult ,  Hourglass! This isn't your typical YA paranormal, check this out:
For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn’t there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents’ death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She’s tried everything, but the visions keep coming back.

See what I mean! Aren't you just dying to know more? Then please join me in welcoming Myra McEntire to Heather's Odyssey!  It feels like I've been waiting forever to hold Hourglass in my hands. 
 What inspire you to write this particular novel?
Myra: The day I finished HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS I knew I had to try to write. 

Yay, another HP fan! HP fans are always welcome here. ;) While writing, what is the one thing you can't do without?

Myra: Music! All kinds!

What an excellent way to feed your muse. Someday I'll have to get your playlist out of you! What was your favorite part of writing Hourglass?
Myra: The revising. ALL the revising - my own, my agent's, and finally my editor's. That's how you learn! 

Another fan of revising, I love it! Tell me, who was your favorite character to write and why?
Myra: I don't have a favorite, but I will say Kaleb was supposed to be someone else entirely. :D 

Aw, what a good writer mom. Now I'm intrigued about Kaleb. Is there anything you can tell us about Hourglass that we may not know from your blog?
Myra: It's one of many books I've started, but the only one I've finished!

I didn't know that. That makes it even more special. So what do you have in store for us after Hourglass? A sequel, or stand alone novel maybe?
Myra: I just turned the sequel in a few weeks ago!  

Yay, happy dance! I love it when the magic doesn't end, and I just know Hourglass is going to be magical. Any closing thoughts to leave us with?
Myra: Thank you so much!!!!   
Thank you for joining us Myra, it is always a pleasure. Okay peeps, hurry over and pre-order your copy of Hourglass because when mine arrives I want to be able to chat with you about it!  


  1. I'm definitely preordering this one. I put it on my wish list months ago when I first saw the cover! I can't wait to read it!

  2. I am DYING to read this book. Seriously DYING!!! :-)

  3. Lin, me too! I pre-ordered it the moment B&N let me!

    Shannon, me too! I can hardly wait.

    Kittie, it does, doesn't it?!

  4. I absolutely love the cover of this book and can't wait to read what's inside!

  5. Myra, I am really looking forward to reading your book! Also I smiled at the comment about the editing yourself, your agent, your editor and "that's how you learn." I know! I'm finding this editing process is the best way to learn.
    Thank you Heather for a great post on an incredible author.

  6. Wow! That sounds fantastic, and I absolutely *love* the cover!

  7. Melissa, it is haunting and curious isn't it?!

    Karlene, you're welcome!

    Talli, it does! And yeah, wow! They did a great job on the cover.

  8. How exciting Myra! I am an HP fan too! Your book sounds amazing. I must put it on my list...

    Congrats and good luck!


    Thanks for introducing Myra's Hourglass to us.

  9. I was in love with the cover of this book long before I ever know what it was about--then I was so relieved to find out that it was totally right up my alley.

    Great interview, and can't wait to read it!

  10. Ooooo! This sounds like a curl-up-by-the-fire-and-read-for-hours kind of a good book! Can't wait to read it ( : And many congrats to Myra for her success!

  11. I've heard a lot of talk about Hourglass. Time to add it to my list. :D

  12. Michael, you're most welcome.

    Julie, it does sound perfect for that!

    Stina, me too. I can hardly wait to read it!

  13. Myra - I know you from the NB forums, right?? Hmm, I feel like I know you, anyway!!

    Good interview, Heather, and thanks for the heads-up!

  14. OMG, her summary has me hooked! What a brilliant idea. I'll definitely read HOURGLASS.

  15. Erica, you're welcome!

    Julie, I know huh?!

  16. Super interview, Heather! Can't wait to read Hourglass!

  17. Nice interview, Heather and Myra! I love that cover, and the book sounds great! Congrats, Myra, on HOURGLASS!

  18. Thank you so much! I enjoyed the interview and hope everyone enjoys HOURGLASS!

  19. Carol, I know me too! I wish it released sooner!

    Dawn, thanks! But Myra really deserves all the credit. :)

    Myra, it has been a pleasure. Thank you for stopping by.

  20. I'm looking forward to reading this. An oh, what a cover!

  21. This is another debut I just can't wait to read! Thanks for the interview, ladies.

  22. I'm adding this to my wish list!


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