Feed Your Muse Friday: Things Unfinished

I recently came across a great quote for writers that struck a cord with me. It made me think of all the people out there who start a book and never quite finish it. Here it is:

“The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.”
—Philip Roth

What does that mean exactly? In my humble opinion, it means there is no greater hell than regrets of things unfinished. And an unfinished novel can be a writer's greatest regret. So commit, discipline yourself to get the words out, and see it through. You'll thank yourself later. 


  1. Yes. Leaving the potential of an unfinished novel can cause much regret! It's all about perseverance.

    1. Exactly! And I'm all about living without regret. :)

  2. Love this. I definitely feel like having regrets right now, so need to start completing WIPs and get my butt much more disciplined. Thanks for this nudge!

  3. Great interpretation of that quote. I couldn't agree more. And I'm looking forward to the next great work from you Heather :-)

  4. That's a great quote! And it is so fitting for me right now, as I sit staring at my WIP that needs to be edited. :)

    1. You're to the editing stage, that's great progress!

  5. Good quote. Timely, too, considering the WiP. LOL But there is always a WiP isn't there?

    1. There is indeed! Spoken like a true writer. ;)

  6. Kind of like paved with unfinished business. We can pave our roads with works in progress as long we keep touching them. Have a great weekend!

  7. Oh, I have one of those for sure! I started it over 2 years ago and at half-way through decided to start over and never quite made it. "Powering through" DOES NOT work for me - it just churns out crap. Someday I'll take the time to finish that one because it really does deserve it!

  8. What an inspiring quote. Thank you for sharing.
    Simply Sarah


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