
Showing posts from February, 2016

The Sad Way of Publishing

I was all set to deliver fantastic news about my traditional debut releasing this year from Samhain Publishing, when the devastating news about the press closing its doors was announced. A little over a month ago I signed with them and just over a week ago my editor and I were chatting about the title and the cover design, and getting excited about the fall release. Literally one moment we were excited and moving forward, the next, the doors that had opened were slamming closed. I'm sad for not only my book and all the people who were looking forward to it, but for all of Samhain's authors (many of which are my friends), their editors, and other staff. Samhain has been a staple in the romance and horror genres for over ten years now and it is tragic to see them go. But, sales had declined to the point where they could no longer justify the overhead. Such is the way of publishing. The rights for my novel will eventually be returned to me and since my agent and I did not qu...

Special Tour Guest: Roland Yeomans

Sssssh!  Heather is so busy with other things that she is gone from her blog right now.  { Roland Yeomans , here, author and blogger extraordinaire. Heather's words, not mine.} Time for me to hawk my wares, ah, I meant “help out an over-worked friend!” Yes, it is time for me to shamelessly drone on about my “DON’T YOU HATE BOOK TOURS?” Book Tour! “What is the title of my new book?” you ask.   Ah, I’m waiting, but you’re not asking. I’m waiting!  All right.  Be that way. I can’t really blame you.  Aren’t we awash in a tidal wave of book tours? You look at your blog list and over 37 of them you see emblazoned: “Book Tour for HOT FLESH & COLD STEEL by C. Mai Kahunas.” Wow.  I like that title and pen name.  I might write that book myself, using that nom de plume , but with the subtitle: 50 SHADES OF TACKY. Hey don’t blame me.  I’m a victim of Irritable Vowel Syndrome. Where was I?  Oh, yes:...

Instagram Leap

I have finally made the leap to Instagram . Photos inspire me so I figured, it would be a great place to feature photos that inspire both my writing, and my life in general. It seemed like a natural transition to move from Pinterest (where there is a lot of controversy over using photos you may not have rights to). I've love Pinterest, don't get me wrong, and I'll still likely post there, but I like the idea of a site that is pictures taken or designed by only me. So, Instagram , here I come! If you're on there, come find me, I'd love to connect with you there.