
Showing posts from 2015

Holiday Book Recommendation Time

Books are a fantastic, easy gift, especially now that nearly everyone has an eReader of some form or another. You can buy a book for someone online and have the eBook immediately gifted to them, which makes for excellent last minute shopping! I'm also a firm believer that there is a book for everyone. These are a few great books that I recommend for those on your list (genres listed): Magical Realism The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster For those that loved The Time Traveler's Wife Historical Romance No Groom at the Inn With Open Arms Countess So Shameless Hanna and the Highlander Tempted by a Rogue Rodin's Lover Paranormal Romance Cinderella and the Ghost Red Of Flame and Promise Trancing the Tiger The Unquiet The Bite of Winter Frailties of the Bond Ascension The Forgotten Ones A Touch of Darkness Debt Collector Forged by Fate The Space Between The Perception Series Grasping at Eternity Echoes in the Glass Bewitching the Enemy ...

The Heart of An Author's Career

Readers, reviewers, and book lovers, you are the heart of an author's career~my career. I could not do what I love to do without you. As I'm growing closer to the day of a big announcement, I've finally  put together a team to honor you. For those interested in being the first to find out about my latest releases, cover reveals, signings, special giveaways, or receive sneak peeks of my work before anyone else, I've created Heather's Heartland. Find out a bit more about it at this link .  I'm looking forward to connecting with you all even more through the Heartland! 

Upcoming Paranormal From Eden Butler

Welcome to the Crimson Cove Cover Reveal Hop hosted by Eden Butler, of whom, I am a HUGE fan! And I'm really pumped because Crimson Cove is her first paranormal romance and we're celebrating by offering up some fabulous prizes. Be sure to stop by each hop participant for different prizes and to introduce yourself. And, for those lovers of paranormal romance on your list, this book is a must buy! So read on: Here is a bit about Crimson Cove: Ten years ago Janiver stole a kiss from the meanest boy in school.  He never forgot. Senior year. One minute before the tardy bell rang, Bane Illes would slip through the door. He never smiled. He never spoke. Each day, that dark, dangerous boy gave Janiver Benoit a glance. And when she could not take another quiet stare, or the warmth that look sent over her skin, she took from Bane something he’d never give freely—one lingering, soul knocking kiss. Ten years later, her family needs her, and Janiver will have to face the one person she ...

So Much To Be Thankful For

This year I have so much to be thankful for (some of which I can't announce yet, but soon, my lovelies, soon!) that I feel truly blessed. It has been a hard year with the loss of loved ones, but karma is at last balancing itself out a bit. I'm reminded of all that I have, and am grateful beyond measure. You, my readers and writer friends are top among the things I am thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by people you love, and blessed with much to be thankful for.  What are you thankful for this year?

Come Together For Change

My heart breaks for France, Syria, and all nations enduring violence. On one hand, I wish for peace, on the other, I realize those people in France enjoying a soccer game, concert, or just dinner were enjoying peace before it was torn from them. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that the world is headed in a dark direction and if we don't change the course, the future will be anything but bright. Regardless of the impending darkness, I will rage, rage against the dying of the light. Change comes from the great minds of those who come together. And it is time to come together. I will find inspiration in the acts of kindness and hope within the stories of darkness and chaos. I hope you will too.  

Inspiration from NaNoWriMo

If you spend much time on the web you've probably heard the shortened version of this header, NaNoWriMo. For those who don't know what it is, NaNoWriMo is a month where writers of all kinds come together to encourage one another to pump out words. 50K in 30 days is the goal, though no one minds if you fall a bit short. The spirit of NaNoWriMo is to get words on the page by dedicating an entire month to your writing. Unfortunately, I'm buried in edits of varies types and life is crazy hectic this year for me, so I won't be able to take part. But, I'll be cheering from the sidelines for those who are! Every time I see a tweet or Facebook update from one of you about your NaNoWriMo progress it encourages me to pick up the pencil and do a bit of writing myself. You are my inspiration not only this week, but the entire month of November and I want to say thank you. I certainly won't be getting in 50k, but every word is progress. :) Are you participating? If so ...

Happy Veteran's Day

Wishing a very happy Veteran's Day to all those who serve (or have served) our country in all the many ways, and to their families and loved ones who support them.

My Big Secret to Winning #NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month  is coming, and those of us crazy enough to participate during such a hectic time of year have a few secrets for getting that novel done. Want in on my big secret? Here you go: Anyone can push out words, vomiting them onto the page in often a non-sequential mess that is  far  more painful to edit than it ever was to write. But there is a way around that, a way that will not make you dread editing that mass of words you pushed out in only one month. This tip will help you so much that you may find yourself able to write more than the 50,000 most NaNo writers strive for. It is simple and will make many cringe, but for those serious about winning NaNo, it will work. Want to know what that big secret is? You'll have to read the rest on my editorial blog: Enigmatic Editor . ;)

New Genres and Tie-in Inspiration

You know those moments when inspiration strikes you so hard you expect to be bathed in the white glowing hallow of a spotlight from the light-bulb over your head? Yep, one of those struck me. I can't say too much as one involves a novel out on submission, but I can say that I discovered a perfect way to tie it in with another series of mine. I'll only say, those wanting another channeler novel may get their wish in a round about way. I'm also thrilled to share that my writing hiatus is over! I started writing a new book today, in a genre that is new to me. I've written historical, and I've written paranormal, but I've never combined the two, until now. I'm excited about this one. It centers around a true historical mystery that was only recently brought under new light. And a paranormal touch seemed to be just what the story needed to start flowing. Want to keep up with what is inspiring my work? Come see me on Pinterest !

October Inspiration

From pumpkin spice mochas (yep, I said mocha. You latte peeps can keep your milk, show me the chocolate!) to the changing colors of the leaves, everything about October inspires me. While I miss summer terribly, I am embracing the crisp air and fresh ideas that come with fall. I started my October off with a hike to the top of Black Butte (one of the many great hikes out where I live). It was an incredibly foggy day so I didn't get to see the 360 views of all the other mountains, but I did get an eerily beautiful experience instead. So it was a win in my book! Speaking of fresh new ideas, here comes one now. Time to go write!

September 11th Remembrance

For those who lost their lives on that fateful day, and all who have lost them since in the fight against terrorism, we appreciate you, we love you, and we will not forget. 

#PitMad is Coming September 10th

Hosted by the fabulous Brenda Drake , #PitMad is a Twitter pitch party where writers can pitch their completed, polished manuscripts to agents and editors who will be perusing the feed. It is a great opportunity that has landed many an author an agent, and even contracts with publishers based off an editor's interest from #PitMad. So how do you join in? First, you must have a completed and polished (this means no first drafts!) manuscript that you feel is ready for submission. Next, come up with several great 140 character pitches to post on Twitter throughout the day. Then, watch for agents and editors to favorite your pitch. If they do, check their profile for a way to submit to them (they will likely have tweeted details on how to that day, if not, click on their website link). A favorite means you are invited to submit. That means, if you aren't an agent or a publishing house editor, do NOT favorite writer's tweets. You can retweet them, but don't favorite the...

Beating Writer's Block

Everywhere I find writers I find them talking about how to break through writers block. At first I thought, I'm a freak, I don't get writers block. I thought maybe it was like some sneaky ailment that was hiding in the shadows waiting for the right moment to pounce. I figured I would get it someday, I just didn't think I had. Well I had, I just didn't know it. I was stuck on a point in my book the other day that needed something more, I just didn't know what. So I went and brainstormed with a friend of mine who is interested in the story. Presto, we came up with that something that was missing. One friend or another always helps me talk it out and figure out what the story needs. When I don't have access to a friend, I take a walk, go ride my horse, or contemplate the story while in the shower (which oddly works wonders). These methods relax me and get the creative side of my mind working. One of the best suggestions I can give to those who get writers block...

Happy Independence Day

© McCorkle Creations For all of my American friends out there enjoying a barbecue, apple pie, or fireworks today, I invite you to raise a glass of whatever you are drinking to the true reason for the celebration.  239 years ago, the Declaration of Independence (prepared by a committee of five men~sorry ladies, no equality back then~and drafted by Thomas Jefferson) was adopted on this day, granting us the freedoms we now enjoy, chief among them was our independence from the British Empire (two days prior, the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee). Ever a work in progress, it is not perfect, but it's ours, and it keeps us free.  Have a safe and happy celebration!

Latest Fork in My Path

The word is out, I have accepted an Associate Editor position with the new and upcoming press out of New York, City Owl Press. Don't worry, I'm not about to stop writing~ever~I'm just putting my education to good use and expanding my horizons. I've always loved helping other writers and now I get to do it in the most amazing way. To hear more about City Owl, you can check out the announcement here . And to find out what I'm looking for, you can find my wish list on Manuscript Wish List (coming soon). Got great sci-fi/fantasy with romantic elements? Bring it on.

To Outline or Not to Outline

To use an outline or not to use an outline? I used to be vehemently opposed to them, I thought they limited my creativity like lines on a paint by number canvas. Boy was I wrong. I was forced to face the truth when I went to a retreat and my teacher made us write an outline. My book was finished I didn't see why I needed to write one, it made no sense. But I was there to learn and the man had been on the NY Times bestseller list several times, which made him hard to argue with. So I bowed to his expertise and wrote it, following my already existing manuscript of course. Halfway through I realized there were many problems with my story. A story which I had already sent to an agent to read. I was appalled and embarassed that I had made such mistakes. I never would have found them had I not wrote that outline. Things like, too many fight scenes (WAY too many), unresolved lines of plot, digressing from the plot, big things! I was lucky, the agent took me on. But guess what he suggest...

How To Land an Agent, or Two

"OMG, you have TWO agents?! How in the world did you manage that?" I get this question a lot. The first part of the answer I got from a mentor of mine who is a NY Times Bestselling author: Write a great book. Sounds easy enough right?! Hah, don't we wish. Next you have to do your research and pick agents that represent the kind of book you've written. There are some great websites that allow you to search for agents based on what they represent. There is also a book put out every year called Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents, its fantastic. If you can attend conferences, I highly recommend that because meeting an agent in person gives you a much better feel for who they are and how they might work than any amount of writing on a website ever will. Enter contests, both of the pitching variety you see on Twitter and blogs and especially at conferences and workshops. That is how I landed my two agents. My novel was runner ...

Making Revision Fun

From that title you're probably already thinking I'm crazy. Well, I am a bit perhaps. But that's beside the point. Revision can be fun, if you did your job with the rough draft, and by that, I mean lined out the character arcs and did a rough outline. It helps eliminate plot holes and dead spots. When the last word is written we all know the book is far from finished. If you're dreading the revision process it's going to suck because you've already set it up to. However, if you look at it as an opportunity to enrich your novel and add depth and dimension to it, then the process can be fun if you've done your prep work. I'm horrible about setting it aside, but this must be done. I do my best not look at it for at least a week. If you can go longer do so. And I applaud you if you can. I cannot because I love the revision process and that's like putting a non-fat double tall hazelnut mocha in front of me and saying, 'don't drink it.' Thi...

Happy Memorial Day, and Thank You

As the daughter of a veteran, and a patriot despite our country's flaws (because, what country doesn't have flaws?), memorial day is special to me. I want to wish all veterans and those who love them a happy memorial day. Those who have given are not forgotten and those who still give are very appreciated. Reflections by Lee Teter

A Seymour Agency Writer's Retreat Not to Be Missed

My writer friends, do I ever have a treat for you. If you are looking to expand your knowledge, make connections with great agents and editors of publishing houses, then you know writer's retreats and conferences are the place to be. One of my agencies is hosting a fantastic retreat in the form of a 'working cruise' this coming January. Ports of call will be Cozumel Mexico and the Grand Caymans. Want to hit the sun and sand in the Caribbean with myself, other great authors, fabulous agents from the Seymour Agency, and publishing house editors? Check it out and sign up quick because spots are very limited: Calling all authors.Picture yourself sitting poolside with published authors and literary agents as you hone your... Posted by The Seymour Agency on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 The price of the cruise starts at $424 per person based on double occupancy, flight to the Florida departure port is not included. But, as this is a 'working cruise' the entire cos...

Happy Mother's Day!

© McCorkle Creations I hope all you mom's out there have an absolutely wonderful day, and those who have moms, be sure to call her, send her a card, gift, email, connect with her via social media, something, anything, because moms are precious and we never know how long we'll have ours.  To those who have lost their moms, today is a good day to remember the good times and perhaps plant a flower in her honor. 

Conquering the Fear of Editing

Like most writers, I used to cringe at the very thought of editing one of my manuscripts. But now, it's my happy place. Out of the entire process from inspiration to finish, editing is the part I love the best. The writers among you in particular may wonder how I reached this magical place. I used to be a pantser: one who writes by the seat of their pants, letting inspiration guide them in whatever direction it chose. That can be a fun way to write, but it is a nightmare to edit such a book. And I say 'can be a fun way to write', because it can also be a headache. I used to get stumped all the time, lose forward momentum, get turned around, and all manner of other snares. It generally took me a year to write a book that way, and almost as long to edit it. Then I attended a writer's retreat under the tutelage of the fabulous William Bernhardt (bestselling thriller author). Bill made me write an outline on a book I had already completed. It seemed silly until I finis...

HarperCollins Battles Amazon

Last year two super powers in books went head to head over a contract for selling books online: Amazon and Hachette . I never thought I'd say that about a site that sells everything, including kitchen sinks, but that is what Amazon has become. During this battle Amazon suspended sales of all the books published by the Hachette group, which hurt a lot of authors. Many blamed Hachette for not compromising because Amazon waved the idea that they only wanted to lower eBook prices. But let's face it, Amazon was just as wrong for suspending book sales. Now, HarperCollins and Amazon are going head to head over the same deal as their contract has just come up for renewal. Already I've seen comments online of people who said they just won't buy HarperCollins books. That breaks my heart. I don't want to see great authors hurt in this fight, which is why I will go to other sites to buy their books. For the sake of authors, and the love of great books, I hope you'll do t...

Must Add Fantasy Novel For Your Reading List

Today I'm excited to be participating in a long time author friend of mine's cover reveal for her new novel coming from Spencer Hill Press this winter titled PULL. Be sure to ADD THIS to your Goodreads list peeps, because you won't want to miss it! Here is a bit about it: COMING DECEMBER 2015! Rosie Clayton witnesses a mugging on her first night in London—and then the scene rewinds itself. She finds herself standing in the same place again, with the mugging happening just like before, except his time a stranger steps in and stops it. There's no way the same incident can have two outcomes. Rosie thinks she’s losing her mind, until just a few days later, the stranger saves her. The stranger, Albert, and his band of misfit crime-fighters, have a special ability, Pulling, which allows them to rewind just enough time to undo and interfere in a series of events. Someone is hunting Albert and his crew--and now that Rosie’s been seen with them, she’s a target...

Welcoming in Spring

Happy first day of spring! For many it has been a long, hard winter that isn't quite over yet. For us here on the west coast, not so much. In fact, we're kind of wondering where our winter went. I have daffodils and tulips popping up everywhere, and even strawberries! That's kind of unheard of here in the high desert where we're used to freezing temperatures and snow well into April, sometimes May and June. But, alas, our winter seems to have fallen on New York and Boston (sorry folks!).  If it's any consolations to the east coasters, our lack of snow fall means we're extremely worried about drought and a bad fire season this summer. Wherever you are, may you enjoy the colors of spring, if not the flowers and warmth!

What St. Patrick's Day is to Me

Today isn't about kisses, drinking, or even just a saint for me. It's an important day for me to reflect on all the Irish have done in this wonderful new country that they made their new home, and to remember their struggle back on their own shores. When I lift a glass today it will be to both my ancestors that came here to America so long ago, and to the dream of a free Ireland.

Inviting the Best of Luck

Luck is a double-sided coin. Whether or not it is good or bad, often depends on which side of the coin you are looking at. It is much like that proverbial glass. Being of Irish descent, and writing much about the Irish I often grin when people comment about the luck of the Irish. They think it is good luck. Over 700 years of servitude, oppression, and slaughter mostly because they occupied a land someone else wanted did not seem like good luck to me. But, after much consideration I realized their luck wasn't all bad. They have survived, reclaimed 90% of their own country, and have prospered in a new country. Not all oppressed cultures have managed to come out on that side of the luck coin. This comparison has made me look at my own luck and re-evaluate it. There is almost always a bright side of the coin. The important part is looking to see, and by doing so, inviting the best of luck.

Writing, Revising, and More of the Same

Have no fear, my absence from social media has not been without fruit. But I've missed you all, oh how I have missed you! Determined to take this year by storm, I have been working my rear off (literally in some cases as I have started a serious workout regiment. Well, okay, serious for me. But it's paying off, so that's what matters!).  What type of fruit you may wonder? Then there are those of you wondering how we went from my derriere to fruit. Hang in there, we'll get back on track. You may have noticed my blog/site is now a .com, yay!!! It took no small amount of sacrificial locks of my hair and sanity to accomplish, but it is done! My website and blog are now connected. Whew. To anyone who has ever had to do this, I raise a glass.  In the writing arena: Two manuscripts are currently in my agents hands, one of which is hopefully a final draft after three of their fabulous critiques and re-writes (cross your fingers for that one peeps!), the second manusc...

January 2015 Report

To help myself keep on track for my goals for the year, I've decided to do a monthly report of how things are coming along. We'll see how this works or if I'm left cringing most of the time! After receiving Blind Hearts back from agent #2, I put it through another round of edits and sent it back polished (to what seems like a high shine, hopefully) just yesterday. Fingers crossed that they both love it and think it's ready to send out on pub sub. I also polished up the proposal for the second book, and a third in the series. I began an outline on a novel set around 1830 centered around the romance of a couple involved in the building of the railroad in America. Hopefully I'll get to write that one later this year. I wrote the first 13,000 words of a brand new novel based off another historical romance set during the civil war that is currently in the hands of agent #1, whose critique on said novel I should be getting back any time now. Fingers crossed again!...

Opportunity for Writers

For my writer friends out there, I have news of a great opportunity to get a critique. My agency sister Marisa Cleveland is hosting a first page critique contest . The fun part, it is completely non-subjective as it is based solely off random choosing. The fabulous part is that it is a critique with Lane Heymont, the newest junior agent at the Seymour Agency. And trust me folks, you want to represented by this fabulous agency, and not just because you'd then be agency family with me. :) Lane is looking for well-written science fiction and fantasy novels. Exceptional world building is a must. In the non-fiction, he is looking for the inspiring, intriguing, and mysterious. For more on Lane, click here . To enter this fabulous contest, click here . Best of luck to all of you!

Revisions and New Projects

This new year is absolutely going to rock. I'm expecting two projects back from my agents soon, yep two. They could both arrive at the same time, or weeks apart. Stressful, heck no, that's part of the fun. I'm psyched to have two projects out to them because that's two projects that will be out on editorial submission to publishers this year. Woo! And, because I simply cannot stop, I'm hard at work on a new book. This one is based off supporting characters in one of my books out to my agents. Want a hint as to what it is about? Check out my Pinterest board for it at this link . How is your new year going so far?