Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just This Book Blogfest
My blogging friend Shelley Watters is hosting a fantastic blogfest in which the participants post their 140 character or less Twitter pitch on their blog for critique. Once it has been critiqued and polished we are to post it on her contest and the winner is awarded a full manuscript request from super agent Suzie Townsend. Yep, you read that right, a full request! But there's more, Shelley is going to pick additional winners who will receive a query critique from her. So here's my 140 characters or less pitch. Tell me what you think and don't be shy. All help is welcome! One of the last of the druids during the worst invasion of Ireland must master her power if she is to keep her kind from being wiped out. Revised version: During the twelth century invasion of Ireland, Emily, last of the druids, must master her power to keep her kind from being annihilated. It's vague, I know, but remember it has to be under 140 characters. Not words, characters! That can be