Deirdre's True Desire ARCs

Reviews feed authors, and I need yours! Deirdre's True Desire , the third stand alone novel in my Emerald Belles historical series about Irish-American women in the 1800's releases this November! But, you can score a FREE copy of it for review right now! If you are a member of NetGalley you can get your hands on it right now, right at THIS LINK . Not a member of NetGalley, but still want to read and review it for me? Fantastic! I have free codes for advanced eBook copies straight from my publisher, Kengsington/Lyrical. To get your free copy for review either click the Contact Me button above, or leave a comment. I only have 25 eBook ARCs to give away though, so don't wait! Want to read the previous novel, Courting the Corporal? I have a few eARCs of that one left as well.