September Debut Author~Elle Strauss

I'm very excited to present to you this month's featured debut author, Elle Strauss. Her time travel young adult novel, Clockwise , just released and it sounds fantastic! Because Elle is so awesome she's doing a giveaway to celebrate. Here are the details: To celebrate, Elle Strauss is giving away five debut books by authors that you can meet on her blog tour which is happening now. LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden THE CLEARING by Anne Riley THE SECRET OF SPRUCE KNOLL by Heather McCorkle PERILOUS by Tamara Hart Heiner THE HATING GAME by Talli Roland How to win? Sign up for Elle’s newsletter to enter. For extra entries just comment on any blog in the tour. The more blogs you visit and comment on the more chances you have to win. Five books, five days, five winners! Now I'd like to introduce you to Elle. From your blog I know your cat Tiger inspired you to write a YA novel about a girl who could time travel. What I'm dying to know is why? Elle: Sadly, Tig...