
Showing posts from 2019

Where is Hemlock Hollow?

This is a two-fold question, with a two-fold answer. For those who have read my paranormal series about modern day Viking werewolves, Once Bitten and Twice Turned, you know Hemlock Hollow is in Northern Colorado. For those who haven't read the books, and have now or recently checked Amazon or other retailers for them, you'll notice they are missing from those sites (aside from a few really expensive used paperbacks for sale second hand). So where have they gone? They are no longer with that publisher, so they have been pulled from all retail sites and all that remains are a few used printed copies. Never fear, though, they are being picked up by a new publisher and will soon hit the market with new titles, new covers, and new material ! And even better: the third book will be coming out soon!!! The descriptions of the first two previously published books on retail sites will announce that they were previously published under their old titles, so readers know they are not en...

RWA Kensington Signing

RWA was amazing! I had an excellent signing at the Kensington author signing, and a great time wearing my City Owl Press editor hat the remainder of the time. The atmosphere was fantastic and the people even better. If you have never been to RWA's big conference, I highly recommend it. Thank you SO much to all the fantastic readers that came to the signing! Here are a few pics from it:

Going to the RWA Conference

This will be my first year attending RWA and I am crazy excited! I'll be attending as a both an acqusitions editor for City Owl Press and as an author, signing my historical series about a trio of Irish American women making a new life for themselves in the aftermath of the civil war. By the way, the eBook of the first one, Honor Before Heart , is free right now to Amazon Prime members through Kindle Unlimited. So, if you are a prime member, click HERE and download it for free! And tell all your friends! But I digress, back to RWA!  FOR READERS: On Thursday July 25th , I will be at the City Owl Press author signing at 8:30am to 9:30am . If you are attending RWA, you MUST stop by and see us for this event. It will be epic and filled with amazing authors. Here is a rough list: Sharon M. Johnston, Maryanne Fantalis, Lynda Locke, Luna Joya, Megan Starks (not signing, but she will have swag there!), Negeen Papehn Dardashti, Tina Moss, Yelena Casale, Willa Ramsey , Ker...

Wolves of Hemlock Hollow Book 3

The third book in the Wolves of Hemlock Hollow series, Thrice Betrayed, is coming soon! For now you can learn more about it at THIS LINK . I am really excited to share this chapter of the series with you, and am sorry it has taken longer than I would like. But, publisher changes and all that fun jazz have delayed things a bit. The cover reveal is coming very soon! If you would like the first sneak peek of it, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and/or join my Facebook street team, Heather's Heartlanders .