Going to the RWA Conference

This will be my first year attending RWA and I am crazy excited! I'll be attending as a both an acqusitions editor for City Owl Press and as an author, signing my historical series about a trio of Irish American women making a new life for themselves in the aftermath of the civil war. By the way, the eBook of the first one, Honor Before Heart , is free right now to Amazon Prime members through Kindle Unlimited. So, if you are a prime member, click HERE and download it for free! And tell all your friends! But I digress, back to RWA! FOR READERS: On Thursday July 25th , I will be at the City Owl Press author signing at 8:30am to 9:30am . If you are attending RWA, you MUST stop by and see us for this event. It will be epic and filled with amazing authors. Here is a rough list: Sharon M. Johnston, Maryanne Fantalis, Lynda Locke, Luna Joya, Megan Starks (not signing, but she will have swag there!), Negeen Papehn Dardashti, Tina Moss, Yelena Casale, Willa Ramsey , Ker...