Holiday Wish List

Aside from world peace, an end to hatred, hunger and disease, there is a more reachable item on my wish list this year. I would love for the publishing industry to get a huge boost this holiday season due to everyone buying books. A bit of a self serving wish? Yes. It is on my wish list after all. A boost to the book market means a boost to writers, both aspiring and already published. The more books people buy, the more books publishers buy, and the better the economy does. My family and friends know to expect books from me. Thankfully, like me, most of them love books. I learned it somewhere after all!

If you need ideas take a look at the books on my Shelfari shelf, to the right side of my blog. I highly recommend every one of them. Even if the people on your list don't read much, chances are they have a hobby or interest that they would enjoy reading about. It's an easy gift idea when you're shopping for folks that you have to ship gifts to. Most booksellers will ship straight to your gift recipient. My favorite, Barnes and Noble, will ship to your recipient, gift wrap for a few dollars more, any order over $25 ships for free, and they arrive within three days! You've got to love that, especially if you're a last minute shopper!

Check them out here: Whichever bookseller you prefer, just be sure books are on your list of things to buy this year!


  1. Love this wish list and I agree with it wholeheartedly. Already bought some books as gifts and know I will be receiving them as well!

  2. Me too! Sometimes I have to do some serious research to find something for the non-readers on my list. But I've always managed to find them a book they loved. Even if it was just a video game stratedgy guide!


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