Monday's Muse

My muse practically jumped up and down when I saw this picture. You can almost taste the humidity and smell the plant life. Is this picture amazing or what? It reminds me of Jamaica a bit, though I don't think it was taken there.

Something about the jungle always gets my muse working over time. Maybe its all the Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe I read as a child. Whatever the reason, the jungle calls to me on a visceral level and has to be the place where I'm most inspired.

For music I've been listening to a lot of Shelly Fairchild (great bluesy singer) and even some Jewel. When I get the rare opportunity to sit in front of the TV Eastwick and FlashForward have been keeping me inspired. How about you, any great inspiration to share?


  1. Love the pic. They CANCELLED Eastwick. So mad.

  2. Love, love, love waterfalls. Have many pics on my computer, def inspirational!
    My musical inspiration choice, Fairies in the Moonlight:
    It's a haunting musical collection from Hallmark, it transports me to another world and I love it!

  3. Love the photo, Heather, and I can see how that would be inspiring. I expect you would love Singapore as we have beautiful rainforests and lakes all around us, even on main roads!

  4. Oh no, now I have to find a new show to watch! Thanks for the music recomendation Lyndsy, I'll check that out! And Singapore, oh wow, Leigh, that sounds amazing. Thanks for the inspiration ladies!


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