Borders Books Is Closing

It's true. A friend of mine on Twitter said the one down the street from her has closure signs up. News all over the internet says Borders will be closing 200 mall stores and 45 stores in Britain. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It is a very sad day for book lovers of all kinds. Borders has been around for as long as I can remember. Things will definitely not be the same without them.

I don't believe the literary market is collapsing though. Like all things, it is evolving to keep up with the times. Unfortunately, this might mean less actual stores. I certainly don't think it's the end of the bookstore altogether though. Despite Borders being such a prominent part of where I grew up, I think I only went to it once or twice. I love bookstores, don't get me wrong, but I always favored Barnes & Noble and Powell's. I'm not sure why really, just did. The financial crunch has hit everyone, booksellers included. Some will fall but others will rise. It wouldn't hurt to give books for the holidays though!

My shopping is done and here's a glimpse of some of the titles I've sent off to lucky friends & family (in case you need ideas): It Sucks To Be Me ~ Kimberly Pauley, Shadowed Summer ~ Saundra Mitchell, Phantom Island: Wind ~ Krissi Dallas, Beautiful Creatures ~ Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, Primary Justice ~ William Bernhardt, The Divine Talisman ~ Eldon Thompson (all from Barnes & Noble), The Strongest Fire ~ Sarah Winters (from Amazon).


  1. Thank you so much, Heather! I was reading this thinking the entire time, “Wow, I love Borders. I need to look up and see if the one near me is closing.” And then I read what you wrote and I smiled. Thank you, that made me feel so flattered.
    I do agree books are a wonderful gift to give and to receive. I hope you get a multitude!
    I’m still smiling,
    Sarah Winters

  2. I'm so glad I could make you smile! Reading chapter 1 of your book made me smile! I can already tell I'm going to love it.

  3. Its sad that such a big bookstore will be closing like that. Personally I've always been a fan of Barnes and Noble for my book needs but it is still a sad day for readers and writers everywhere...

  4. I'm a big B&N fan too but I couldn't agree more. It's very sad, first the small used bookstores start disapearing, now Borders!


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