Twitter Tuesday ~Joanna Penn

Joanna Penn wears many shoes (I so prefer shoes to hats, don't you?!) and of course, author is among them. Anywhere there are writers I seem to come across Joanna-or TheCreativePenn as she is known in most places. She always has the best tweets and advice for writers. But you don't have to take my word for it, just check out how often she is quoted among the best tweets for writers for the week on Writer's Digest.

More than just a fun person to follow on Twitter though, Joanna has an excellent website that holds many wonders for the aspiring writer. Need help with your book or advice on the painful process of submitting and publishing? She does it all. Besides all that, she's one of the sweetest people you could hope to meet. Be sure to check her out!

Here she is on Twitter:
Here's her blog:


  1. Thanks for today's twitter tuesday post, I checked her blog and I know for sure I'll be checking it often. Thanks again!

  2. I've been following Joanna for awhile now on Twitter, and you're right. She has some great tweets. Her website is a great writing resource as well.

  3. She's pretty fantastic isn't she? Every time I turn around she has some great advice I can put to good use!


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