In My Mailbox

Finally UPS delivered Under My Skin by Judith Graves! As you may know, Judith was my featured debut author for March. Unfortunately there was a delay in the printing of her novel. Now it's here! I've been giddy with anticipation ever since Barnes & Noble sent me the e-mail saying my order was now being processsed.

I've been peeking at it between editing and outlining this week and it looks like it was well worth the wait. All my work is finally done and I'm going to reward myself with a few chapters of Under My Skin tonight! Can't wait!

As for the book hiding beneath it, that's Writing the Breakout Novel by agent Donald Maass. I'm excited to dig into that one as well, but for totally different reasons of course. My critique group keeps saying wonderful things about it so I figured I had to order it. I'm all for improving my craft after all! I'll let you know how they both turn out. So what book is on your nightstand this week?

You can find Under My Skin here (among other places):
You can find Writing the Breakout Novel here (among other places):


  1. The only thing better than getting a new book in the mail, is actually sitting down to read it!

    This week I am reading Sucks To Be Me by Kimberly Pauley thanks to your recommendation. It's great so far!

  2. Waiting for a book in the mail is great but reading brings even more joy.

    I just finished reading Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa.

    -enjoy reading!

  3. Dearest Heather....girl, you ROCK! Thanks for posting this - I so love proof UMS is making it out into the world. :)

    I skim through Breakout Novel often - the workbook is should grab a copy if you don't have it.

  4. So true Alissa and Fida! Alissa, I hope you enjoy Sucks To Be Me!

    Fida, I love the title of Mornings in Jenin. I'll have to check that out.

  5. Aw, thanks Judith. I feel like doing an air guitar but that would give away my age... ;) At the risk of sounding too young, no you rock! I just started UNDER MY SKIN last night and I'm loving it! I was hooked from the first sentence.

  6. Love getting books in the mail. Makes me giddy!

  7. I know me too Lindsey! It makes living in the middle of nowhere almost tolerable!

  8. Yes, please let us know what you think of the books. On my nightstand? "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. I've just begun, so I'm not crying YET.

  9. Hello there! I read Donald Maas' book--good stuff! Currently reading If I Stay by G. Foreman!

  10. The Breakout novel book is my current favorite! I got the workbook that goes with it for Christmas and it's also fabulous. I hope you enjoy it! Donald Maass is my hero.

  11. Oh Julie I've been dying to read that! Please let me know what you think!

    Hi Christina, glad to hear another rave review of Donald's book. If I Stay, hmm, I'll have to check that out. Love the title!

    You know Portia I hear that from everyone who has read Donald's books or met him at a conference. I'm convinced I'm going to love his book already!

  12. I absolutely love WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL. I don't know if you've looked at the workbook as well, but I think they are both amazing resources for craft and inspiration.

    I love it that you reward yourself with a little fiction. I do the same--2 hrs of writing, 2 hrs of reading. I feel like my work is always stronger after reading another good story.


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