Monday's Muse~Carlo Traversi

It's so exciting when the first draft of a novel draws to a close. I love that feeling of everything coming together and suddenly making sense. This picture of a stoic hallway seemed to be a very appropriate picture to inspire me. The artist is Carlo Traversi. His website is  Be sure to check it out for some remarkable inspiration.

Anytime I finish the first draft of a book I put it aside for as long as I can stand to. This gives me a chance to disconnect and think about other things like normal life and reality. Usually I can only tolerate the separation for a week and this case was no exception. I'm working on my first read through edit of it right now. This one is particularly exciting to me because it's completely different from the series I wrote and its a stand alone book. Well, sort of. I'm working on the outline for a tie-in book! The new book will be a stand alone and the protagonist is a different character. I can't wait, that one is going to be fun!

But for now I get to bask in the pleasure of editing. You think I jest? On the contrary, I love the editing process. I'm diving in and have set my edit completion goal (a four stage process) for the end of April. By May I plan to have Grendar's Tale polished and submitted to my agent. A tight schedule? Why yes, but I thrive under pressure ;) Wish me luck!


  1. Sounds like you've got it together. And good luck!
    I enjoy the editing too. In fact I can't stop myself. What is my problem? Probably over compensating, I guess.

  2. I don't know about that, but thanks for the confidence! Careful, too much editing can start to eat away at the story. No pun intended considering you write about vampires!

  3. Good luck!
    What is your four stage process? When I start editing, I can futz around with it forever, and it's hard for me to set goals. Word counts are easy, but some sections of editing require more work than others, adding, do you establish milestones?

  4. 1) Hand write then mini edit as I put it into computer.
    2) Read through edit when 1st draft is complete & do easy fixes only.
    3) Print it out & do a complete red pen edit.
    4) After entering it all in computer I read it aloud & look/listen for any remaining issues.
    Each step accomplished is a milestone for me!

  5. Way to go Heather!!! I am inspired...and so happy you finished the draft and are onto the next. A feeling hard to explain... but you did that well!

  6. Thanks Karlene! Editing is in full swing now and I'm loving it.

  7. That's a great picture! Enough to inspire a story by itself. I'm excited to hear your draft is finished. Have fun editing--I know you will :-)

  8. It is isn't it? Makes me want to visit a monastery! You know me so well. I'm already LOVING the editing process!

  9. I love this pic and see why it inspired you, I’m saving a copy of it for my own file so thanks for sharing!

    You’re four step process sounds thorough. I like to do everything electronically though. I keep handwritten notes, idea’s mostly maybe a sketch of a scene or conversation, but when I sit down to actually write, it has to be on my laptop.

    Have fun editing! You sound like a giddy schoolgirl about it which is good, better enjoy it than dread it!

  10. Thanks Lindsey, I look forward to you featuring the picture! I do enjoy editing. I'm even looking forward to an old piece of work I've edited at least twelve times that I'm going back to rewrite this year with all my new knowledge from retreats!


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