Conference Spotlight: NYC Pitch & Shop

It's conference season! In celebration of that I thought I'd spotlight a conference that I'm hoping to go to this year. Over the last few years I've searched and searched for the best conferences to spend my money on, looking for something with the right opportunities and the right attendees. For those of you who've done your own searching you know this can be a daunting task. Not every conference is right for everyone. You need to decide what you want to get out of a conference first, then you can narrow it down. Do you want an agent, an editor, to improve your novel, to sell your novel, or just to network?

For me that answer is easy this year. I've gone to conferences to network and I've gone to retreats to improve my writing skills. Now I have an agent and my work is on submission to editors. It's time for me to concentrate on selling my work. 'But you already have an agent, why would you bother?' you ask. Because, I want to be active in the process. I trust my agent to do a fabulous job of selling my work but if I can put a face and a personality with the work that could make a difference. Meeting editors face to face could do that. Hence, the NYC Pitch and Shop conference.

This is one of the most dynamic conferences I've come across but it's something you have to be ready for. You do not have to have an agent but your book should be highly polished and ready. One of the fabulous things about the NYC Pitch and Shop conference is that if an editor likes your work, the conference will refer you to an agent!

The conference is four days long and you will meet with an editor to pitch your book to each day. There are close to twenty editors attending and most are from one of the Big 6 publishing houses. If they like you're work they'll ask for it. Between pitch sessions you'll workshop to improve your pitch. Don't worry, you'll get to work on it prior to the first pitch as well.

Sound interesting? Find out more about it here:


  1. Oh, how I dream. *sigh* I'll make it eventually. :-)

  2. Oh, wow, this sounds fabulous! Can I confess, I think I'd be a nervous wreck doing this?

  3. You will Shannon! All you have to do is work hard and believe it!

  4. No shame in that Portia! If you've never pitched in person it is extremely intimidating. Fortunatley I have and I'm used to public speaking so it's a little easier for me. But I still get nervous!

  5. Heather, this is an excellent spot for you to be going this year. Perfect timing too.
    And Portia and Shannon, when you're'll be great! You have Heather to coach you. She is the best teacher! I wish I could join you!

  6. Sounds like a great conference. Hope you knock their socks off!

  7. Pitching always sounds so terrifying. Good luck!

  8. Thanks Karlene, you're far too kind!

  9. Thanks Alissa, I hope so too! I'm hearing very good things about the conference and my agent recommends it so that's a good sign.

  10. It does doesn't it Lorel? Trying to convince total strangers something you've slaved over for months or even years is worth their time is not an easy thing.

  11. Heather, I think you'll do wonderfully. You exude the confidence you'll need--and I've never met you!

    Go for it. If nothing else, you will have made a nitche,and put a face to your work.

    I'll wait to hear what happens. Good luck, and God Bless.

  12. Ah, thanks Lorelei! I'm very flattered. You've helped give me the confidence I need to brave New York alone!


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