Twitter Tuesday~Kelly Sagert

One of Twitter's many great writing chats served as an introduction for Kelly Sagert and myself. Kelly writes full time and is also an editor who has sold over a thousand pieces of her work to everything from literary journals and websites to magazines and newspapers. She has nine books under her belt and is working on a tenth. She has written material for publications put out by Harvard University and Oxford University Press just to name a few.

Since it seems like our writing couldn't be more polar, what drew Kelly and I to follow one another on Twitter? We both share a love of the written word and embrace the writing process. The fact that we don't write anything close to the same style, let alone genre hasn't kept us from sharing that.

If you're looking for a great writer to follow who can give you an objective view of the writing process and will enthusiastically share your journey, be sure to check out Kelly Boyer Sagert.

You can find Kelly on Twitter here:
And check out her website and books here:


  1. I'm going to go follow her right now!

  2. Congrats on hitting 100 followers!

    I'm off to check out your friend.

  3. You have a beautiful blog! I'm a new follower and wanted to say hello:)

    Looking forward to reading more from you!

  4. She sounds like one prolific writer. I'm off to go follow her.

  5. What a lovely introduction to Kelly. Thanks Heather. Twitter remains a challenge for me. But I'm trying. :)

  6. Thanks Lola! Each new follower always makes me smile because I'm so excited to meet and connect with new writers and readers!

  7. Thanks Nicole! I'm blushing! So sweet of you to follow.

    You'll love Kelly Alissa. She's a lot of fun and full of great information.

    VR, no worries, Twitter does get easier it just takes time.


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