Twitter Tuesday~Selena Blake

For those of you who are new to following Heather's Odyssey Twitter Tuesday isn't just for Twitter user. What's it's really all about is writers connecting with other writers and book lovers. On my Twitter Tuesday posts you'll find not only great people to follow on Twitter, but great blogs and websites as well.

On to today's Twitter Tuesday feature. Selena and I came across each other on Twitter through a friend of a friend. She's one of those Twitter people who takes her followers very seriously and chats back and forth with them directly a lot. I love that about her. If you check out her Twitter page you'll see she's not really one to throw out random tweets, but she does talk with those she follows a lot.

Selena is the author of several spicy paranormal books. Aside from writing she loves movies, music and enjoys cooking. For someone you can actually connect with rather than just another number on your followers, be sure to check out Selena. And don't miss her books, as long as you're over eighteen ;)

You can find out more about her and her books on her website:
And you can find her on Twitter here:


  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm off to find out more about Selena.

  2. Twitter Tuesday is wonderful. And thank you for introducing me to twitter. I too have connected with so many wonderful people! Currently shifted to the aviation side of my brain, but following many fabulous writers too. Thanks for sharing Selena! Looking forward to reading her books.


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