Banned Books Week~Blood & Chocolate

This week is banned books week, a time when readers and writers celebrate and support the books that have been banned. There is a list at this link of books that are currently banned but it is by no means all inclusive. Books are banned for a number of different reasons at a number of different places. You might be surprised and appalled by the reasons. There are books that are banned simply because they involve paranormal elements. The Harry Potter books are banned. Really. What does banned mean? Some stores, libraries, and schools won't carry the books. On the flip side of the coin, many libraries and stores fight to keep books from being banned.

Today I'm featuring a book that isn't on this banned list but it is banned from many schools and some libraries. It is Blood And Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause. It is a young adult novel about a young girl~Vivian~who struggles to find her place in a world that doesn't accept her kind. It is a very mature read for a young adult novel but it deals with many problems teenagers struggle daily with, acceptance, identity, and a less than perfect family. So why is it banned in some places? Vivian's family are werewolves and the tough subject of teen sex is addressed. I loved this novel. Would I want my fourteen year old sister to read it? Maybe in a year. And I would discuss it with her after she read it. But I want her to have the option to read it should she choose to.

It is up to us as parents, sisters, brothers, and adults to moderate and discuss novels with the kids in our lives. It is not up to us to ban novels so they are unavailable to anyone. That is stealing a touch of someone's freedom and that isn't acceptable.


  1. Well said, Heather! I couldn't agree more. :-)

  2. Wow, it sounds like a great book and it has an amazing cover!

    My favorite YA books growing up all dealt with tough issues--Gary Paulsen's Tracker, for instance. I think YAs want books that MATTER. :-)


  3. That is so true Portia. YA's do want books that matter. That is part of what makes teens so amazing!

  4. Heather, you made an excellent point about "discussing" it with your sister. Parents think they're protecting their kids from the world by prohibiting their reading, but books like this make a perfect opportunity for parents to discuss real life issues with them. Maybe their just being lazy. They think they can hide this material from them, but their not. They're just delaying it. And when the kids do get their hands on it, they won't feel comfortable about going to their parents to talk about it.

    Thanks for bringing up a great point. Maybe I'll blog about this next week. :)

  5. Exactly Karlene, we can't protect our children, unfortunately. We can only prepare them. But you're a mom, you know that better than I do! :) I can't wait to read your blog about it.

  6. Great post, Heather. If all the books that dealt with controversial stuff were banned the world would be a very boring place.

  7. Wow, Heather, I didn't know there was a week in which we made an effort to support banned books. I knew that the Harry Potter books were banned, and I'm sure a lot of others are, I'll have to see that list.

    What you say is true. Oddly enough--and this has nothing to do with books--the Beatles when they came to America and were on the Ed Sullivan Show--I know, I'm dating myself, but I was 14 at the time--my sister and I went to our sister-in-laws to watch it, because we knew we couldn't watch it at home. Stupid, now that you think of it. They were so tame compared to what came later.

    Good post, dear!

  8. Right you are Heather. It sounds like a wonderful book with important themes.

  9. Thanks Alissa, too true! Without controversial issues talked about in books kids would think they couldn't talk about them. Wouldn't that be a tragedy?!

  10. It is interesting the things that have been banned throughout history isn't it Lorelei? Even more interesting are the things that haven't been banned. I'm glad you liked the post!

    Thanks DL! It is a great book if you like werewolf stories or heavy issues teens are faced with.

  11. I've always wanted to read this book. Maybe I will put it on my TBR list for Winter 2011 (since I'm reading like what seems like 50 books right now, ha).

  12. It's edgy for YA but it's really good! I think you'll like it Karen. Let me know if you get to read it this winter!


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