Monday's Muse~Elmore's Red Dragon

This painting by the fabulous Larry Elmore has inspired me since before I reached my teen years. Larry had a huge hand in defining the way I see dragons. I chose this picture for last week because I'm working on the climax chapter of my young adult fantasy novel in which my main character has to battle a dragon. While the battle ends up looking nothing like this, the metaphor worked perfectly. It's hard to believe I'm only a chapter away from finishing the first draft of this baby! It has been a fun book to write and I look forward to editing it!

I'm still reading Shadow Hills though I'm starting to zip through it now. I love the mystery and suspense in this novel, and the character development is very compelling! Click on the picture of it on my right sidebar to learn more about it.

I don't have a song link for you today because I've been listening to pretty much anything and everything, a lot of Manowar, the Braveheart soundtrack, LOTR soundtrack, and much more. I tend to do that when I get to the end of a work in progress. How about you? Do the needs of your muse change when you approach the end of a novel?


  1. What a great painting! I can see how it would inspire you. Good luck with the end of your novel, Heather! :-)

  2. Isn't it amazing Shannon?! Thanks for the good luck. It's cruising along and at this rate I'll be finished with the first draft before the end of the week!

  3. Oh, definitely. I'm always looking for different music to suit my mood. That's why I have a million (just as my husband) CD's in the car.

  4. LOL! That sounds like me Elana! My tastes seem to change with every book I write and alter slightly with each chapter!

  5. I agree. I haven't listened to the same CDs since I finished my novel. Hmm. Maybe that's my problem. I haven't found anything new to inspire me for my new project. Maybe that's why it is progressing so s-l-o-w-l-y! Congrats on getting to the end of yours!

    I am paying forward a blog award. I hope you will accept it! You can find it here


  6. Sounds like it's time to look for some new music Christy. An award, thank you so much! I'm off to check it out now!

  7. Heather, I'm so excited you're almost done with your first draft of your wip! I've only finished one other novel, so this is all a bit new to me. I can't even listen to music when I write, since I can't seem to focus on more than typing. Pathetic!

    I'll share a cyber margarita toast with you when you're all done. Good luck!

  8. One chapter away? Wow!!! Way to go Heather. I love the muse! Have a good time with the climax...and keep enjoying the process! You're knocking at the door.

  9. Isn't this the picture from the Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set from the late 70s / early 80s? That was my first recollection as soon as I saw it. If you ever find some great coffee table fantasy art books, post a link. I love great fantasy art!

  10. It gets easier with each novel Julie, don't worry! This makes number eight for me! It sounds like a lot but I have two trilogies in there.

  11. It is Corey! I'm so excited that someone recognized it! Another fantasy art lover, sweet! I'll defintely post any great links I find for you.


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