Reader For A Literary Agent Opportunity

A fabulous new agent with D4EO literary, Weronika Janczuk, is looking for a reader to perform a literary intern-type job for her. It will be unpaid but the rewards are better than mere monetary. You will get the opportunity to ask an agent in-depth questions about writing and publishing.

So what do you have to do? That's the beautiful part, you get to read. As fun as that sounds there is more to it than that. Weronika will send you 2~5 partial or full manuscripts a month and you will have to read them in a timely manner~two days tops~then write a one-paragraph reader's report.

Weronika has listed specifics on her blog as to what kind of reading she expects you to have done in the past. Details as to how to apply for the position are on her blog as well. Be sure to stop by and check it out! Just click on her name to get there.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Heather. I'll have to take a look - sounds like a good opportunity.

    Have yourself a lovely weekend. :)

  2. Wow. I wish I had the time for something like that. What an opportunity! Thanks for stopping by today, Heather. I think I need to double-check my sidebar to make sure you are still there. I haven't been by in a while, so I think you must not be popping up. I'll fix it, though! :-)

  3. I know what you mean, me too! It would be a fantastic opportunity. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Too bad she doesn't request the genre I love to read. It is a great opportunity, though, for individuals wanting to get a taste of the industry.

  5. Sounds like an awesome opportunity! I'll have to take a look and see if I have the time this semester!

    I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying Shadow Hills. I haven't read it yet, but I've heard great things about it!

  6. I am just sneaking in (from being unplugged) to say thanks for stopping by my blog...and to say hello *waves*...and to check in on what's going on in your world.

    Have a wonderful writing week, Heather.
    *tiptoes back out and pulls the plus from the socket*

  7. What a great opportunity for someone! That is awesome. It was wonderful of you to share.

  8. I know what you mean Stina! She's a great lady though and would be a lot of fun to work with.

    My fingers are crossed that you'll put in for it Natalie! I'd love to see one of my online buds get it!

  9. Thanks for stopping by Lola! Have fun bein unplugged!

  10. It is pretty amazing isn't it Lisa?! I just couldn't keep something like that to myself!

  11. at sounds so awesome, if only I had more time... *sigh*


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