Literary Agent Judged Contest

Over at Chuck Sambuchino's fabulous blog there is an excellent contest going on. It's called the "Dear Lucky Agent" contest and it's for paranormal romance and urban fantasy, adult or young adult! The judge is Marisa Corvisiero of Lori Perkins Literary agency. The main prize is a ten page critique by Marisa and a one year subscription to Writer's Market. For all the details click on the embedded links for the contest above. But hurry, the contest is only open until Wednesday October sixth! Read the rules closely and best of luck to each of you.


  1. You're welcome Shannon! I hope to see you among the finalists!

  2. I love Writer's Digest! Their editors are so involved and maintain some awesome blogs. This contest is just one of the many cool things they do.

    Good luck to all who enter!


  3. Sounds a great contest! Too bad I don't write in this genre~ good luck to all the partcipants:)

  4. I love them too Portia! Though you could probably tell by how often I link to them. ;-) Are you entering the contest? Best of luck if so!

  5. Tamika, Keep an eye on Chuck's site. He does the contest periodically and it's always for a different genre!

  6. This is such a great opportunity. I don't write in this genre, but wow, what a great contest.

  7. I entered, Heather. But I have strange luck. I don't win prizes -- except for the "right guy at the wrong place at the worst time" contest.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and giving such a great comment. Roland


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