Twitter Tuesday~WriteOnCon, Websites & Agents

I've been crazy busy this week working on completely the rough draft of my manuscript so I didn't have much of a chance to get on Twitter, or any of my other social networks. I missed you guys! For those who aren't on Twitter or Facebook, or Scribblerati, I had a bit of good news yesterday. Nephele Tempest asked for my full manuscript for The Secret Of Spruce Knoll! I'm really excited because she is beyond awesome. Back to business though! Here are a few of the links I managed to catch.

WriteOnCon is an amazing writers' conference for young adult and middle grade writers that started this year. It is completely on line and the first conference was completely free. If you missed it I'm so sorry because it was beyond amazing. The great news is, they're gearing up to do it again! Check out the announcement here:
@Casey_McCormick A WriteOnCon announcement! #writeoncon

If you're like me you've had moments where you wish literary agents would be more specific as to what they are looking for. After reading this link you'll understand why some of them are more vague and gain a new appreciation for them!
@RachelleGardner If you wonder why agents don't give more specific info on what they're looking for, read this!

As an aspiring author I've often wondered if I should hire someone to design my website or if I should do it on my own. This post helped me answer that question:
@JaneFriedman Should you hire someone to design your website? Why I think you should save your $$:

How was your week? Were you all as busy as I was? If not drop me a comment with any of the great links I might have missed!


  1. Hurray!! Congrats on your request for a full - that is so exciting!!

    Those links are great, Heather. Thanks for sharing them. Jody Hedlund has done a few posts on whether or not to invest in a professional website too - they're great. :-)

  2. Thank you so much Shannon! I'll try not to hold my breath the whole time she has it! I'll have to check out Jody's posts. Thanks for the heads up on them.

  3. Definitely congrats on the full request! You know I'm in your corner...and I know they will love it. Busy? Oh... I'm not sure when I haven't been. Flying hat tossed for a month, and my writing hat shifted to my blog while I babysit. Oh... I forgot the challenges with the little ones. He's teething... poor little guy. My hat is off to all the mothers who write. Hang in there Mom's! And congratulations Heather!

  4. Thank you so much Karlene!If she loves it half as much as you do I'll be golden! Congrats on the opportunity to write for a while, and to spend time with the little one. Bummer that he's teething!

  5. Congratulations on the full request on The Secret of Spruce Knoll! And thanks for the links, I'll be looking into them right now.

  6. Thank you Cinetter! I'm doing my best to remain grounded while I wait. She read my partial super fast so I have a feeling I'll know soon... I hope you find the links helpful!

  7. Congrats, Heather on the request. :D

    I loooove WriteOnCon.

  8. Big congrats! Can't wait to hear when she offers representation! Sparkly shiny good vibes your way! :) Looking forward to checking out the links.


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