Blog Tour Plans~Sign Up!

The tour for my debut novel is coming! The outpouring of support, even months before the release of my novel, has absolutely floored me. There are no words to tell you all how much I appreciate you and all that each of you have done. Without a doubt, the reading and writing community is the most amazing, supportive group of people that I have ever come across. I'm honored and humbled to be counted among you.

Releasing a novel is full of anxiety, excitement, and an ocean of fear. But you all have kept me afloat and given me the courage to keep going. The time draws near, for next month brings the release of my debut novel, The Secret Of Spruce Knoll. I have a lot of fun stuff planned for the release and I'll be telling you all about it around the beginning of next month. Right now though I am in the planning stages for my blog tour, which is where you lovely people come in. Each stop along the way I'll be divulging one secret, either about myself, my characters, their world, or writing. I will be doing a contest of course, and anyone who follows all the blogs on my tour will get extra points/entries for each blog/stop that they follow. 

I'm booked solid for the tour but I'd be happy to stop by your blog later and do an author interview or something similar, it just won't be included in the giveaway. I look forward to a fun blog tour/party with all of you! Thank you so much for your fabulous response and amazing show of support. I'm humbling and honored to call you lovely people my friends. :)


  1. So exciting! I'm happy to help however I can -- feel free to slot me in for a date that suits, or if you want to do some follow up in September, I can do that too! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy and start reading. You already have my email -- let me know!

  2. You're such a sweetheart Amie! I'd love to add you to my tour. :) I'll email you!

  3. You know I'm already signed up. Can't wait!

  4. Hey, Heather,

    Me again. I just looked at the dates... How about Aug. 11th? That would be a great Thursday post...

  5. Critique Sisters are ready! Can't wait for this tour to begin, Heather. And I'm thinking up some really good secret questions!

  6. Anne, I'm so excited to be stopping along your blog! You've been my inspiration. :)

    Michael, that sounds great! I'll pencil you in for that date and email you tomorrow!

    Linda, I knew you would! Thank you so much, you, my sisters, have been my backbone through this. :)

  7. Heather, Flight to Success needs to have you on my blog too! I'm not picky... any date will work for me. And, I want to splash about you on Critique Sisters too. Can we do two?

  8. Heather, Congrats! *squee*

    I have room on the 13th and 20th. Let me know! I'm getting my newsletter ready for August, so I'll add that to it. :)

    jessicasubject.writer AT gmail DOT com

  9. Karlene, you're so incredibly sweet, of course you can! I thought it would be appropriate to start and end on Critique Sisters so I'll put you down for my last stop there. I'll email you!

    Jessica, thank you sweetheart! I'll shoot you an email tomorrow!

  10. Would love to be included! Would it be a print copy passed around or individual copies?

    ashleysbookshelf at gmail dot com

  11. Hi Ashley, since you're a book reviewer it's a bit different for yu. Thank you for your interest, I'll shoot you an email!

  12. Lovely, of course I'll host you on your tour. When you have it all situated, come to me with your open dates and I'll drop you in. First Tuesday and last Friday of every month are the only ones I have specific blogs for. So hit me with what you need.

  13. Excellent Christa! Thank you for joining in the fun. I'll contact you soon!

  14. I also have down Pam from Wattpad and Michelle Phillips. I didn't publish your comments because they had your email addy's and I don't want you to get spammed! But you're on the list. :)

  15. Hi Heather!!! Sign me up! I'm not picky about the date either although I would prefer a weekend but any day is okay.

  16. Hi, Heather. You know I'd be happy to host you. Something for September I could do something then, if that's okay.

  17. I'll be there for you, girlie! So thrilled for you! <3


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