This lovely (okay, I admit, my opinion of lovely may be a bit skewed), colorful painting is a depiction of a famous tale that inspired me last week. As you may have noticed from the striking button on my left sidebar, I'm working on a piece for Fantastic Fables on Dark Faerie Tales. I don't want to give much away as it is going to be a surprise, but I can say this painting inspired me. I can also say that it is a tale involving one of my main characters of my soon to be released novel, a special short story on them the readers of Dark Faerie Tales will get to glimpse first. And I'm soooo excited about it!

I’m now reading GONE by Michael Grant. OMG (yes I did just use that acronym, but really, it's that exciting) why has no one told me how excellent this book is yet? Admittedly, I'm not that far into it, but I'm really loving it so far! Everyone over the age of 14 disappears in a sleepy little town and the kids left have to figure out why, and cope with strange powers that start manifesting. What is not to love in that? It was described as "if Stephen King had wrote Lord Of The Flies". I could NOT resist that tagline, and I'm glad I didn't!

This Wednesday I'll be announcing some good news that I can hardly wait to share with you peeps so be sure to drop by. Until then, tell me, what inspired you last week? Read any great books lately? 


  1. I'm reading BOY TOY right now. It's a whole lot of wow. GONE seems a little "children of the corn"-ish, yes? I am so in.

  2. I love finding inspiration in odd places. Can't wait for your good news!

  3. You're writing a short story! Cool. I can't wait to read that!

  4. Ohh the book you're reading sounds so good! And I can't wait to hear your good news!

  5. Heather, yes... lovely is perfect for the painting. I see the beauty too. I am so excited to see the dark side of you emerge in your new work. And GONE... wow, what a tag line. Of course I have to read that, too.

    I love coming to your blog... it's always so informational and motivating!

  6. Christa, I LOVE the title, sounds great already. Yes, GONE is kind of Children Of The Cornish, and all awesome!

    Laura, me too, that's part of the fun! And I can hardly wait to tell you my good news too!!!

  7. Melissa, yay another fan!

    Linda, I know, strange for me huh) I love it though because it's about my MC from The Secret Of Spruce Knoll's love interest. It's been great to learn more about him this way.

  8. How cool. I will look for Fantastic Fables. I'm glad you were inspired.

    I haven't read Gone. I'll put that on my wish list. I'm reading a lot of middle grade fiction these days, because I'm writing my critical thesis on middle grade heroines. I'm in the middle of Sharon Creech's Walk Two Moons right now.

  9. The horse's hair is quite fabulous! I loved GONE. I need to read the others in the series.

    Can't wait to hear your good news on Wednesday! :)

  10. LORD OF THE FLIES meets STEPHEN KING, huh? Ah, LOF was awfully grim. If I were one of those 14 year olds, I might just strike out on my own and leave the rest to eat themselves.

    But then, I've always been a loner. I wish you luck and fun with your fable, Roland

  11. Jade, it really is! And thanks, soon...

    Karlene, I love that you're excited to see my darkside emerge. ;) You're so sweet!

    Lin, that sounds like a fantastic thesis, you go girl!

  12. Karen, yay another fan of the series! I must have just been un der a rock when it came out.

    Roland, me too! I always wondered why no one did that in LOTF. Great minds think alike. ;)

  13. It's a striking painting!

    That tagline drew me in, too, when I saw it the first time at the library. :D

  14. Can't wait to hear your good news!

  15. Golden Eagle, does that mean you read it? I'm curious as to what others have thought of it.

    Elle, ah thank you! I can hardly wait to tell you!

  16. Hi, Heather ....

    I am SO happy for you. This news about a short story too! I am delighted and I can't wait to read about you exciting news on Wednesday....

  17. That's one of the books that I read before I started reviewing, and I've just been so busy I haven't gotten to current books much less old ones, but I def enjoyed it and need to get my hands on the newest.


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