Oregon Coast Children's Book Writers Workshop

That is a mouthful of a title for a workshop and from looking at the course outline, it is a lot to chew and digest as well, but in a good way. Thankfully it uses the acronym, OCCBWW. So if you see me using that on Twitter that's what it's all about. It boasts an impressive lineup of instructors that include, picture book author David Greenburg, author Elizabeth Rusch, author Pamela Smith Hill, author Heather Vogel Frederick, author Deb Lund, Henry Holt editor Noa Wheeler, agent Michelle Andelman, Greenwillow editor Martha Mihalick. It takes place next week in a tiny town called Oceanside Oregon.

Filled with not only fantastic sessions, but also tons of writing and consultation time, it seems to focus on the actual craft nearly as much as learning. I love workshops of this nature where I get time to apply what I've learned and improve my manuscript on the spot. Since I just finished finalizing the edits for The Secret Of Spruce Knoll and turned them in, the timing couldn't be better for me. My manuscript is moving into the design stage, which has me totally freaked out because it means it's really happening, and I need a distraction!

The downside (upside maybe?) is that there is no cellphone service in Oceanside, so they say. That means most likely no internet, even on my phone. I may be disconnected for an entire week. I may go into shock. No worries though, I have my blog posts all lined up and they will be posting automatically. Chances are, I'll drive to a nearby city to catch up on blog reading and Twitter every few days when I get twitchy. I just can't do without you peeps for that long. ;) I'll come back with lots of pictures and great information for you!


  1. How can a whole area not have internet service? Yikes - I'd go mental!

    Still, it sounds like it will be worth it.

  2. Sounds wonderful. We'll enjoy your scheduled posts and look fwd to your return. Can't wait to hear all about the conference. You always have goodies to share!!! christy

  3. Ugh! Sounds amazing! Wish I could go to an amazing, beautiful, Oregon-coast writer's conference. Sadly, they don't have those in Texas. At least not the Oregon kind. Weird, I know!

    Have fun ( : Your blog stalkers will miss you!

  4. Talli, I know huh?! I fear I might too.

    Christy, I can hardly wait to come back and tell you all about it! Most of the time that's the funnest part. :)

    Julie, I've noticed that about Texas conferences. They are a bit different, not in a bad way, just different. Too bad Oregon is so far from you. :(

  5. Sounds like it's going to be a great workshop! So cool! But I think going without cell phone service would make me batty! Good luck ;)

  6. This sounds like another wonderful conference for you Heather. Of course, we will MISS YOU, but l know you'll get connected at least once. I could NEVER give up my peeps either.

    Enjoy and don't stress about you book.... It sounds like Abbott is doing an EXCELLENT job with you baby.

  7. Heather, this sounds like heaven! A retreat above all retreats no contact to the outside world. You can focus. I actually signed up, but with my schedule and the grandbaby on the way, it just didn't work. Have a wonderful time! Look for Kathy. And we'll miss you while you're gone.

  8. Carol, yep, I'll be returning batty. Or I'll just make a LOT of side trips to a nearby town that has service...

    Michael, I definitely will! And your right, my baby is in good hands so I can relax. :)

    Karlene, I'm so sorry you can't make it! Kathy and I have connected on Facebook so we're planning on saying hi. I'll miss you peeps too!

  9. Sounds like a chance to disconnect with the outside and reconnect with that muse. Have a wonderful retreat.

  10. Wow, no internet, that's so '80s!!! Have a wonderful time. It sounds like a great locale and workshop opp! We will miss you!

  11. Oh NO! No internet??? The horror! *breathes* It's okay. It's probably a good thing to separate sometimes. AND you'll probably be so into the conference that you won't even notice. :D

  12. Cleemckenzie, thank you! It does sound wonderful. I can hardly wait!

    Linda, I know huh?! It will be fun but I'll miss you too.

    Lisa, yep, I totally hyperventilated too at first. Oh trust me, I'll notice. ;)

  13. No phone or internet? Well I guess that's one way to get writers to write! Have a great time.

  14. Sounds wonderful. Wish I could be there with you Heather!

  15. Golden Eagle, thanks!

    Kelly, lol! No kidding. That might have been what they were thinking. ;)

    Desert Rocks, me too!

  16. Oh Heather, that sounds like an awesome opportunity and I imagine that a disconnected week may do wonders for you. Have a great, great time.


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