Twitter Tuesday~Contest, Agent Advice, An Announcement, And More

This week I bring you a lot of great advice from agents and editors to digest, plus a few contests. Since so many of you have been asking, this first one is the first of my big announcements (mark your calendars):
@HeatherMcCorkle Heather McCorkle The first of my big announcements (and the last one happening!) A live chat on YA Bound August 30th! #WritersRoad

This one is an indispensible list of great tweets for writers from Jane Friedman:@WritersDigest Writer's Digest Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 7/15/11) - I watch Twitter, so you don't have to. Visit each Sunday for the wee...

If you love writing contests then you've got to check out Writer's Digest's new contest:
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest Win $1000 in our new YA writing competition:
Enter your science fiction/fantasy story in our new competition:
Got winning romance? Enter it in our new Romance competition:

Jane Friedman points us toward a post on building our platforms:
@JaneFriedman Jane Friedman Relationship building should be part of your platform. This post has some excellent ideas for doing just that!

TeeTate brings us this tweet from agent Laura Bradford reminds us not to forget about agent who have our work when we've been made an offer by another:
@bradfordlit Laura Bradford Its really a lovely thing if you follow up w/ agents who have yr work/have requested your work to let them know if you are signing elsewhere

TeeTate brings us this sad news from Galley Cat:
@GalleyCat GalleyCat Borders liquidation to close 399 stores & cut 10,700 workers. Will there be publishing layoffs?

Editor Diana Gill reminds us of an important storytelling fundamental:
@dianagill Diana Gill No matter what your vision of the story may be, remember that the readers only see what you actually put on the page. #pubtip

If you're on the agent hunt check this out:
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest New Agent Alert: Halli Melnitsky of Zachary Shuster Harmsworth

If you win this contest you'll get an appearance in Writer's Digest!

@WritersDigest Writer's Digest Chance to appear in Writer's Digest! Can you write an opening sentence for this photo prompt?

Writer Julie Chillard brings us an important reminder from agent Laura Bradford:
@bradfordlit Laura Bradford Include your email address w/ your address & phone # when you send a sub or a query or a full or anything. For the love of Pete #pubtip

Writer Julie Chillard brings us this tweet from the Greyhaus Agency about what not to do:
@greyhausagency greyhausagency #pubtips Be careful starting your story with too much on an information dump. If I wasn't in a good mood right now, I might have stopped

Writer Julie Chillard brings us another great tweet from Greyhaus Agency:
@greyhausagency greyhausagency #Pubtip Remember that a rejection "with comments" is not something bad, but a way to make improvements in your craft.

Elizabeth Law, editor with Egmont USA, brings us her great #AskYAed segment:

@EgmontGal Elizabeth Law My tip for queries: PLS don't overhype your work. Don't want to hear it's the next {insert mega seller here] or how groundbreaking #askyaed

Agent Jennifer Laughran reminds us about the snails pace of publishing (traditional publishing that is ;):
@literaticat jennifer laughran Guys, I'm selling books today that might not be out till 2014. Writing "trendy" is pointless. #askYAed

Don't miss this giveaway, it's a book of your choice!
@HeatherMcCorkle Heather McCorkle Need a great book to read? Check out @TrishWolfe 's great giveaway:

Enjoy clicking! 


  1. Heather, Thank you for the great tweets! So many contests... and so much fun! Twitter Tuesday really keeps us connected to what's happening in the writing world. Thank you!

  2. What a great round-up, Heather! So much good stuff going on... how come I don't see my wine o'clock in there? :)

  3. Karlene, you're very welcome! I'm glad I can help keep my friends connected. :)

    Talli, thank you! There is a lot of great stuff going on, and more to come! I should TOTALLY put your wine-o'clock in there! LOL!

  4. I don't keep up with Twitter, so thanks for the links! And I have to say - Greyhaus's rejections with comments are GREAT!! :)

    Books on sub now aren't coming out until 2014??!! Wow.

  5. Nicely done! Good round up. I love Twitter Tuesday.

  6. Erica, you're welcome! Glad to help. Yeah, 2014, isn't that insane?! That's traditional publishing for yah.

    Christa, thank you!

  7. I don't keep up on tweets either. I'm not on Twitter either. Awesome about your live chat.

  8. "A rejection with comments is not bad"—I like that and couldn't agree more! Thanks for all the great links. Oh, Heather, I just realized as I read your post that I completely forgot #WritersRoad last night! Drat! I love #WritersRoad!

  9. Natalie, bummer! It's the writer hang out. :)

    Linda, that's okay. Sounds like you needed the break! :)

  10. Thanks Heather :) I don't tweet, so I'm glad you do.


  11. Thank you so much for the tweet updates. I keep promising myself I'll jump back into Twitter, but I just can't find the time. And congratulations on your your live chat. That is going to be awesome!

  12. Donna, I'm glad I could help out then!

    VR, I know the feeling. Don't worry, I'll keep you up to date. :) Thanks for the congrats, I look forward to chatting with you there!!!


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