Twitter Tuesday~Contest, Pub Advice, And More

I hope you're ready for another great week of tweets! Here we go: Writer (and awesome friend) Monica, is hosting a fantastic agent judged contest. Don't miss it: 
@Monica_BW Monica B. W. On the blog: Details about the Agent Pitch Contest with Kristin Miller (D4EO Literary)…

Agent Sarah LaPolla gives us her opinion on vamp books (hint, don't query her with them):
@sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla Unless you are an already established author, your vamp book likely won't sell. Don't throw it out; just put it aside & query another novel.

Agent Jill Corcoran breaks down publishing for us:
@JillCorcoran Jill Corcoran THE HOWs AND WHYs OF GETTING #fb

Writer's Digest brings us a great post about the writer's platform: 
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest The Hidden, Secret Ingredient of Platform: Relationships - Today I'm a guest over at Marketing Tips, a blog by Tony ...

Agent Vickie Motter gives us a peek at what she wants to see in her inbox:
@Vickie_Motter Vickie Motter I'm also looking for ADULT Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy (yes I read adult too, not just YA). With strong female protags

A great guest post on Chuck Sambuchino's blog. If you are submitting and need a laugh, you must read this:

@WritersDigest Writer's Digest Finding an Agent: A Little Un-Advice - Here’s my guess: No matter what kind of writing you do—novels or nonfiction, ...

Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest let's us in on the publishing secret:

@JaneFriedman Jane Friedman The Secret to Writing & Publishing That Should Be Taped to Your Wall:

Writer Julie Musil brings us a great tweet about critiquing: 

@juliemusil Julie Musil Writers, this is a MUST READ!!* Roni Loren - Fiction Groupie *: Death by Critique - 6 Tips on How To Avoid It… #amwriting
Julie tweeted this fantastic link for a post from Nathan Bransford (ex-agent extraordinaire) on why you're getting rejected:
@juliemusil Julie Musil Why You Are Receiving Rejections… via @NathanBransford#amwriting

Julie brings us another great tweet (she rocked it last week) about agents and self-publishing (from an agents perspective):

@juliemusil Julie Musil Agents & self-publishing #amwriting

Whew, now don't forget to stretch out those fingers so they don't cramp. If I missed any great tweets please leave me a link in the comments!


  1. Heather, Thank you so much for the wonderful Twitter links again. You're amazing to keep this up while at your conference. Hope you're having a great time!

  2. Yay,, Blogger is letting us back in! Great links, thankyou. Hope you're meeting great people and enjoying yourself at the conference!

  3. You're welcome Karlene! IT's not easy with a sketchy signal here but I'm manging. :)

  4. Linda, yay indeed! I'm having a blast but I miss you peeps a ton and the Blogger issues are only making it worse. :(

  5. This is awesome! Thanks Heather!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse


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