Twitter Tuesday~Book Giveaways, Agent Advice, New Agents, Agents on Self-Publishing

I hope you're ready for another full post of tweets! Here we go. You'll want to get our your planners and take down the dates on this tweet from Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest. She lists great contests for writers of YA, crime, romance, and more!
@JaneFriedman Jane Friedman 7 Free-to-Enter Writing Contests That Impact Your Career:

In an #AskYAed session, publisher Egmont USA reminds us of a harsh reality in publishing: 
@EgmontUSA Egmont USA Okay - I need to get this out there. Despite the mega-deal advances reported, most advances are not very big. #AskYaed

Writer Jolina Joy brings us this insightful tweet from Anne Allen about what agents are doing to prepare for the evolving publishing industry: 
 @Jolina_Joy Jolina Petersheim How are literary #agents preparing for the future?

Agent Laurie McLean is taking notice of Anne Allen's post on the future of Literary agents too: 
@agentsavant Laurie McLean A very interesting post on the future of literary agents from author Anne R. Allen.…

Agent Vickie Motter reminds us to read our genres and know them well: 
 @Vickie_Motter Vickie Motter #querytips It's important to be well read in your genre, cuz I can tell if your comps don't match that you aren't doing your homework

Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest gives us an insider view of a great conference: 
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest My Adventures in ... Jackson Hole, WY (2011) - I just got back from a pair of writing events (and I'm sorry I haven'...
Always a great feature on Chuck's blog:  
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest 7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, by Bethanie Murguia - This is a recurring column I'm calling "7 Things I've Learned So...

The editor of Egmont USA lets us know to save those cards when it comes to editors: 
@EgmontGal Elizabeth Law May I ask kindly, why do writers give an editor their card? I will read their submiss/get her email that way. What r cards 4?

A compilation from Chuck Sambuchino of great new agents: 
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest New Agents Who Want Your Work - (for writers of nearly every genre)

Agent Ginger Clark urges other agents to read this article about how self-published authors could be the new 'midlisters': 
@Ginger_Clark Ginger Clark Fellow agents: if you haven't read this excellent article about authors who self publish from @pubperspectives why NOT?…

Harlequin has changed it's royalty rates, and not necessarily for the better: 
@agentsavant Laurie McLean Harlequin responds to questions about its new royalty rates for series and single title authors at Dear Author:

Need a good book to read? Check this out: 
@DarkFaerieTales Angela Author Interview & Giveaway: BLACK HEART LOA by @AdrianPhoenix |

Agent Natalie Fischer brings us this tweet about why agents and editors can't be your best friend (though I think it's an extreme case and not the norm): 
@Natalie_Fischer Natalie M. Fischer Why agents and editors can't be your best friend (and what ALL betas should keep in mind): #askagent

An interesting take on agents representing self-published authors: 
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest A thoughtful discussion of what it could mean for writers when agents become publishers: via @jessicastrawser

If you're a writer on Twitter these are must follows: 
@jessicastrawser Jessica Strawser A handy list of publishers & their twitter feeds (from Publishers Weekly):

Chuck Sambuchino brings us another great interview with a new agent:
@WritersDigest Writer's Digest New Agent Alert: Lauren Ruth of BookEnds, LLC - Reminder: Newer agents are golden opportunities for new writers beca...

This is too much fun not to read, and you can win books:
@HeatherMcCorkle Heather McCorkle Don't miss Deadly Destinations on Dark Faerie Tales: This stop, Portland Oregon with Suzanne Young! #WritersRoad

Whew, that was quite a week of tweets. I hadn't realized how many I'd netted until I listed them all out. There's something for nearly everyone in there!


  1. I love these round ups, because I never have much time for Twitter myself.

  2. I love Ginger Clark. That is all.

  3. Heather, this is some really great information. Thanks so much!

  4. These are awesome tweets for sure! I've seen a few, but the majority I missed. So I'm off to check links. Thanks!

  5. Heather, I was so busy reading through these links yesterday, I ran out of time to comment before I had to go to appts. Better late than never--these are great links, thanks!

  6. Matthew, I'm so glad I could help then!

    Christa, she does rock. In her own, very unique way I must add. ;)

    Julie, you're welcome!

  7. Lisa, thank you. I'm glad I caught a bunch you missed!

    Linda, lol! That's excellent, that means they did their job. :)

  8. Thanks again for all the great info!


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