Monday's Muse~Freedom Of Speech

Last week as I worked on editing the second novel in the Channeler series my inspiration came from the holiday that I would soon be celebrating. The fourth of July is important to all Americans because it is the celebration of our independence, but as an author it holds a special place in my heart. Our independence day is also a time that we celebrate the many freedoms that Americans enjoy and the freedom of speech is among my favorites. Without the freedom of speech many of us would be silenced.

I've been to a few countries, Canada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, and Japan. While they were all wonderful and inspiring in their own ways, they also made me appreciate my home country even more. We have it good here and I’m not sure I'd want to live anywhere else. Of course I know America isn't without it's problems, but no country is. I love it flaws and all. 

My muse has been anticipating the open road, great friends, a good BBQ, and fireworks. To all of my American friends, have a safe and happy holiday. Maybe I'll come back with pictures for you. ;)


  1. Happy Independence Day, hope yours goes off like fireworks, and nobody looses a finger!

  2. So true Heather. Have a great holiday!

  3. Heather, This is so important to me right now, as I've learned with my company, I don't have this freedom. Sometimes we take for granted things... until they are taken away. Thank you for a great Monday Muse!

  4. Well, said, I wish every nation had the freedom of speech. There are so many countries that don't have it and their people fear what they say every day. Sometimes, we Americans forget the wonderful things we have.

    Have a happy Fourth of July, Heather!:D

  5. Have a great fourth of July, Heather! :)

  6. Happy Independence Day, Heather! Freedom of speech. Such a basic right to have, one that everyone should have. And yet so many people in the world are denied it. Sometimes we do need to be reminded how lucky we are. The uprisings of the Arab Spring have given us that reminder-gift recently.

  7. Ebony, thank you! Yes, no lost fingers! ;)

    Natalie, you too!

    Karlene, I feel for you. I don't have this freedom where I work either. It makes work very hard at times. Hang in there!

  8. Brenda, exactly. We should never take our freedoms for granted. Happy 4th to you too!

    Talli, thank you, that is so sweet. I'd return the sentiment but that would somehow be wrong. ;)

    Linda, it definitely has. We should never forget to appritiate what we have.

  9. The PERFECT choice for today, Heather! Happy 4th!! :-)

  10. Happy 4th, Heather. I hope you have a wonderful day with the family!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  11. So true! Proud to be an American and so greatful for the sacrifices given by many to secure our freedom.

    Happy fourth!

  12. Thanks for the post, Heather. We do have our problems... But what a country! Have a great day and a very "cool" week!


  13. Shannon, thank you and happy 4th to you too!

    Angela, thank you so much!

    Julie, me too! :)

    Jimmy, you're very welcome. And thanks, you too!

  14. Yes!! I'm waiting for the pics!! :D


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