Wednesday Writing Goal~New Endings

Last week my goal was to start writing a new ending for my third book. My muse finally came out of hiding and I got a great start on it. I'm so excited about how this series is coming together. It's turning out so much better than my original vision for it was.

How about you? Did you achieve your writing goals for last week? How are you doing on staying motivated in the new year?

On a side note, congratulations to Amy Del Rosso who won a copy of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll during the Indelibles Book Blogger chat! If you're stopping by Amy leave me a comment with a way to get a hold of you.


  1. Excellent news about your new ending coming together--congrats!! My last week's writing goals consisted of connected reading goals. Done. This week's goal: full outline. (I can only do this because the first draft is fully written in my head.) I'm about a quarter there. Feeling good abt. making it, though :)

    1. A full outline, ah the creation stage, so fun. You can do it Linda!

    2. Heather, when I go to leave a comment the comment box flashes, then disappears. So... what can I say?

      My writing goals are complete! Yeah! I finished my book again. Yeah. And this is it! Cograts on your great success on your new ending!

  2. My goals went down the toilet last week. This week should be better :)

    1. That's happened to me recently too Tasha, I feel for you. Sending good thoughts about your goals for this week!

  3. Oh, I love writing a new ending. Mostly because how I thought my books would end is never how they should have ended. Good job!

    1. Me too! It is the best when your characters surprise you with something new. :)

  4. No. I didn't meet my writing goal. Actually, I didn't make one. I finished revising my ms based on a CPs notes, though. So there's that! Just read a post on endings! Have fun writing yours. Wow! Book 3. You rock!!! christy

    1. That's great that you finished a round of revisions! Congrats! Thanks for the link, I'll check that out.
      *air guitar*

  5. So glad you like your ending. I'm glad that I started writing again. That was a good goal for me.

    1. I'm so glad you did too, that's fantastic! Sometimes that's really tough to do after a break.

  6. I'm glad to hear your series is coming together! It's a great feeling once the story slides into place, isn't it? :)

  7. It is a wonderful thing for sure! Thank you. :)

  8. I love when the muse comes out of hiding!

    1. Me too Lydia, best thing ever! Now if only I could tether him to my desk...

  9. That's great news. Love that the writing is turning out better than the original vision. Sigh I have a major software release so not getting as much done but still chugging on the revisions.

    1. I'm so sorry that work is keeping you from your writing. I know all too well how that goes. Finger crossed that your revisions go smooth, though!

  10. Hi, Heather,

    I have just been doing revisions, loglines, and pitches ... nothing fun, I assure you.

    Once the conference is over, I hope to start something exciting to keep me motivated through the rest of the winter.

    I am SO happy for you writing success. Keep it up! We're all rooting for you.

    1. Those certainly aren't fun but it's amazing how much they help you focus on the heart of your story. I hope you're having excellent luck and a good time at the conference!

  11. Not a chance. I am so off goal I have to kick start myself. But I did get a lot accomplished. I hope to finish my preliminary edits on one wip. I still have 2 more rounds to go with the editor and proofreader on it. But my wip is suffering major, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to catch up since I have another wip to edit and start subbing by March - eeek! You rock on with your writing progress, you inspire me to keep writing at least a little a day on my current wip.

    1. A little a day will get you there! Hang in there, I know how you feel. With book three in the works I had to set aside my wip too!

  12. Congrats to Amy! Well, I'm between vacations (it's a tough life) so I haven't done much writing. I'm really looking forward to getting back at it.

    1. That does sound rough. ;) Actually it kind of does, too long without writing drives me a little insane. :)

  13. I'm glad things are going well for you. I don't have much to report in this direction right now, but it will get better, I'm sure :-)

  14. Oh, hooray for new endings! I've written so many for my books it's almost laughable. One in particular, I have at least 16 endings for. I hope one day I get to blog them all:)


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