Holiday Gift Idea #3: Online Author Signing

Today's gift idea is one from a special event that I'm taking part in, an online author signing party. For a limited time, the first two weeks of December,  you'll be able to order signed books from these fabulous authors: Christine Fonseca, Ali Cross, Angela Brown, and myself.

As a holiday gift to you, I'm offering my paperbacks very special price, only $9.99 each! That's 20% off! To order them click on the links on the sidebar to the right. --->


  1. Wonderful participating. And I love your wintry background :-)

    1. Glad to have you Angela. And thank you! It was so much fun to make. :) Got me in the holiday spirit.

  2. This is a great idea! (and I also like your winter background. ;) )

  3. Great idea for the holidays. I read about this on another blog, too! Hope you sell lots as they would make great gifts. :)


  4. Great gift idea, and great promotion. I hope you sell tons!

  5. This is a cool thing you guys set up. Good luck to each of you!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse


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