Book Review & Tour: Charming

When one of my agent sisters posted about her upcoming review tour I eagerly jumped on board. Not only did I want to help a sister out, her book sounded amazing. OMG (yes I went there, had to) it blew amazing right out of the water. I haven't read a YA book in a long time. I'm SO glad this one was the one that broke my hiatus. Then again maybe I'm not because this is going to be an incredibly hard act to follow. Superb writing draws you along through this heartrending novel, writing so good that even as an author I never once stopped to think about the nuts and bolts of the writing within~it's just that good. This is like Scream combined with The Fault in Our Stars. That may not sound amazing to everyone, but it was spot on for me. If you like suspenseful, mysterious, edgy fiction with a heart, this book needs to be your first priority when it releases and it is an absolute MUST READ for October. Keep your eye on this one peeps, she has the makings of being the next 'Big Thing'.

Now that I'm done gushing, here is a bit about it, and a Kindle giveaway at the bottom!

Krystal Wade
Published by: Curiosity Quills Press
Publication date: October 6th 2014
Find it on:
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and that’s great . . . as long as you don’t die.
Sixteen-year-old Haley Tremaine had it all: top-notch school, fantastic family, and a bright future, but all of that changed when an accident tore her family apart. Now, an alcoholic father, a bitter younger sister, and a cold headstone bearing her mother’s name are all she has left.
Chris Charming has it all: a powerful CEO for a father, a prestigious school, and a fortune at his fingertips, but none of that matters when he lands a reputation as a troublemaker. Struggling to follow in his father’s footsteps, he reaches out to the one person he believes truly sees him, the one person he wants: Haley.
Little do they know someone’s determined to bring the two together, even if it means murder.
Author links: 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This does sound really good and I love the mix of a thriller story along with a very emotional one! Glad you liked it, Heather! :)

    1. It was a perfect mix and really blew me away! Thanks for dropping by Giselle!

    2. Thank you both! I can't wait to blow you away with the next book I'm writing!

  2. Haven't read either of the books you compare it to though I do want to read Fault in Our Stars. Sounds like a good book. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Think of a teen horror movie mixed with an emotional teen movie. Interesting combo done amazingly well!

    2. Thank you so much, Heather, and Natalie! I loved writing Charming because it allowed me to get deep and emotional while still creeping people out. I love that!

  3. This sounds amazing! So glad you enjoyed it. Congratulations to Krystal! (I also wanted to drop by and thank you for your kind words about my story being in the steampunk anthology. It was so comforting to read that.)

    1. Thank you for the congrats! I'm so excited about this book, and reading reviews like Heather's makes me all warm inside. :-)

    2. It is amazing, for sure, and a perfect book to read in October! You're welcome SA, I'm so excited for you. :)

      And you're welcome Krystal! I'm super excited about it too, recommending it wherever I go. Can't wait for your next book!

  4. This might just be the book to break me out of my YA hiatus too. It sounds great!

    1. It was the perfect one to break mine! I think you'll really enjoy it.

  5. It might be too intense for me, but I'm totally willing to give it a go. Sounds awesome.

    1. It is intense, but it also has a lot of heart.


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