Monday's Muse~Patagonia

Normally this time of year I wouldn’t need a picture of snow and ice to inspire me. I could just look out my window and see hills and hills of it. But, it appears all our snow has decided to fall upon poor Texas, hence the need for a frosty picture. A portion of my new book occurs in a place that looks very similar to this. Sometimes just working on my chapters makes me chilly. But that's perfect, that's when I know I'm really getting into the zone! Though I never make the mistake of opening with weather, as one of the many things that affects the senses, I try to keep it in mind when I'm writing. I want the reader to feel immersed in the tale.

As for couch inspiration, I'm watching the occasional episode of Legend of the Seeker. While I don't particularly like how the show has butchered the book (The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind), if I just watch it as a fantasy show and forget about the book, I can enjoy it to a degree.

I'm reading Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia, and so far am really loving it. In fact, I'm having trouble putting it down. I'll let you know more as I get farther into it.


  1. Beautiful Creatures is one of the books I have sitting on my to-read shelf. I'm trying to decided between that or The Dark Divine as which to read next. I am horrible at making decisions.

  2. It is something isn't it?! Oo, Alissa, that's a tough choice! I haven't read the Dark Divine yet but have heard great things about it. I think you're good either way you go! Let me know how that one turns out :)

  3. I went on a mission trip to the Patagonia last March... but it was summertime so we didn't get to see so much ice. However, just seeing the word "Patagonia" made me miss my friends and experiences there! Thanks for sharing your inspiration...

    And I just got a signed bookplate for Beautiful Creatures in the mail - pretty cool!! (About halfway through the book - definitely intriguing - just wish I made more time to read lately!)

  4. Oh wow, what a place to go on a mission to! That must have been the experience of a lifetime. I'm glad it sparked the memory for you :)

    A signed bookplate for Beautiful Creatures! You lucky lady you. I know exactly how you feel about wanting more time to read, especially a book so intriguing!


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