Twitter Tuesday~Rachel Jameson

Rachel and I met on Twitter through a mutual writer friend and am really glad we did. Her tweets (Twitter entries for you non-Twitter folks) are informative and often so funny I have to be careful not to drink my coffee when I'm reading them. Like me, Rachel didn't start out writing in the genre she's come to love. She sort of stumbled upon romance one day and discovered it was the one. It can happen to any of us, preconceived notions about what a genre is all about can keep us from our calling. Rachel now writes historical romance and is working hard toward publication.

If you're looking to connect with other writers who are supportive, helpful, and a blast to get to know, be sure to look her up.

Here she is on Twitter:
And here's her blog:


  1. You’re right about her tweets! I snorted soda once trying not to laugh!
    Rachel's blog is really fun and so is she, check her out.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I just added Rachel to my following list.

  3. Hi! Sorry, it's been an insane day, to say the least! Tree fell down from the rain and the wind, blocked the drive, but luckily no one hurt, and not much damage. Mostly a pain in the ass *G*
    Thank you hun! I'm so glad we ended up meeting as well! And how sweet this is! You rock!

    Off to pass out *G*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just heed Lindsey's warning Alissa, put the coffee or soda down before reading Rachel's tweets! LOL! And you're very welcome Rachel, much deserved!


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