Monday's Muse~Beautiful Things

Life can get so difficult and hectic that we get caught up and forget to slow down and appreciate it. I was reading a friend's post on sunsets and realized how long it's been since I saw one. It was July 15th during my vacation. That doesn't seem like that long ago, but the only reason I managed to find time was because I was on vacation. The craziness that is life catches back up quick and steals the beautiful moments away. I'm going to do my best to make sure I try to steal as many back as I can. :)

Those are the moments that help us get through the dark ones writers go through. You know the ones I mean, harsh critiques, agent or editor rejections, scathing reviews, or powers forbid, parting ways with your agent or publisher. Many of my friends~and even myself~are going through some of these, you may be among us. To help keep inspired during such times, remember the things you love most about writing, remember the beautiful moments in life. Let those things fuel you and keep you going to fight another day.

Join us tonight at 6:00pm PT on Twitter for the #WritersRoad chat for our topic on Winning The Battle: Keeping Your Spirits Up. I hope you'll drop in to share on the motivation, learn how others keep going, or give tips of your own.


  1. Go here to Stina's blog:

    Her photos fit your post perfectly! :-)

  2. Ah, how true. When I had my store, some folks who took competition way too seriously put sugar in three gas tanks of 3 separate cars! It was at the time my mother was in the hospital dying with cancer.

    I was down to walking from home to the hospital then to the mall to work long hours. I was doing a fine Yosemite Sam to God until I ran out of breath.

    Silent for the moment, I turned the corner and came upon the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. I never found out the species. Perhaps God lent to me out of Heaven.

    We stared at each other for long beautiful moments then it flew back up into the clouds. I realized that if I had been fussing as usual, I would have missed it.

    It taught me to not waste the moment in wailing about the past I could not change nor the future that I had yet to reach.

    Your lovely post re-taught me the same lesson. Thank you, Roland

  3. Shannon, that's awesome, Stina and I are usually so in sink it's creepy! ;)

    Roland, what a beautiful story, it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. :)

  4. It's funny, I read a post yesterday about living in the moment, (unfortunately, I forgot who wrote it) and I completely agree. Live in the moment because it's really all we have.

  5. Thank you for reminding me, Heather.

    And on a different note, I must go and do some excersize!!!

  6. Beautiful image! <3

  7. So beautifully said, Heather. And so true. I'll be there tonight at #writersroad!

  8. Great post and reminder to enjoy life's little moments. :)

  9. Jess, great minds think alike. :) So true, the moment is all we have.

    My 2 Pesos, thank you!

    Linda, thank you. And yay!

    Tina, thank you hon!

  10. I needed that! But who doesn't? I'm going to TRY to participate at least somewhat.

  11. Love this post. Sometimes I think we forget why we started writing in the first place. We should always go back to the real reason.

  12. Golden Eagle, thank you!

    Lisa, glad I could help. :) Sorry we missed you!

    Karen, we do, and should!

  13. I so much wanted to join you tonight. I've just come out of one of those dark times. Switching projects helped. Plus a few gummy worms. And ceasing to consume soy (I had become a hormonal maniac). Thanks for opening this discussion.

  14. Hey Heather!!
    I'm glad to see you again after my vacay!
    And I LOVE what you've done with your blog!! :D
    Love the new header.
    And it's funny about the sunsets. I was writing about a sunset the other day and I realized that, like you, I hadn't seen one in a while!
    Beautiful pic, as always!

  15. Heather, This is beautiful. Yes... we need to do something to feed our soul. Today I spent an hour decorating for Halloween. I loved it.
    But... I'm seeing a vacation in our future!

  16. Angelina, I'm so sorry we missed you! And I'm glad you came out of those dark times. Great point about switching projects, it can really help!

    Monica, I'm so glad you're back! And thank you. :) Funny indeed, great minds think alike. :)

    Karlene, we really do! That's excellent, decorating is good for the soul! Yes, vacation, bring it on!

  17. It's been a long while since I last saw a beautiful sunset. Maybe I should find some time to connect with nature.


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