Monday's Muse~Kick A** 2011 Debuts

My new blogger friend, Christina Lee, is hosting a blogfest called Kick A** 2011 Debut Author Spotlight that I just had to be part of. Honestly there have been so many great debuts this year that I hate to have to narrow it down so I'm going to break the rules and list a few of my favorites for you.

Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes, a mystery with a dash of paranormal by Denise Grover Swank. Many of you have already heard me sing the praises for this novel. It was touching, daring, and made me laugh so hard I cried. She has a new book out (Chosen) that I can hardly wait to read!

Celestial Seduction, an erotic romance novella by Jessica Subject. Jessica has a wonderful way of blending sensuality with sci-fi that I have rarely read accomplished with such seamless grace.

Born to Be A Dragon, a middle grade fantasy by Eisley Jacobs. This was a touching fantasy that made me wish I had kids to read to. If you have children that love dragons then you'll want to read this to them! Book two will be releasing soon, can't wait!

Unveiled, a young adult fantasy novella by Trisha Wolfe. The author pulled me into a world that intrigued me, one I am looking forward to spending more time in with a future novel that she has in the works. You'll want to read this novella to get background on characters that I have no doubt you'll fall in love with just as much as I did.

Possession, a young adult dystopian by Elana Johnson. I've read a lot of dystopian novels lately, so many that they start to blur together, but Possession is both a cut above and a unique concept that stands out from the others.  A sequel to Possession is scheduled to release next year!

These authors inspire me to write better and that is a gift. To learn more about these outstanding novels, click on the author's names. To see what everyone else picked for the Kick A** 2011 Debuts Blogfest, click on Christina's name. One of the blogfest participants is giving away a signed copy of The Secret of Spruce Knoll (I can't telll you how honored I am :), Portia Sisco, who's link you can find on my right sidebar. Enjoy your reading!


  1. Great choices, Heather! That UNVEILED cover is gorgeous! :-)

  2. Heather, I'm so glad you mentioned all of these great books!! And I'm not really sure why I wasn't following your blog before --duh!! Here's to new bloggy friends!!

  3. Great authors, like Roger Zelazny and Raymond Chandler, inspired me to write in the first place. And authors like you have just spotlighted inspire, me as with you, to write better today. Great post, Roland

  4. Hi, Heather,

    This sounds like a great blogfest. So many wonderful books to learn more about.

    Thanks for your suggestions.

  5. Shannon, it is, and she designed it herself!

    Christina, I feel the same way about you and your blog! Funny how we missed each other for so long.

    Roland, thank you! If you had debuted you would have absolutely been on this list! You are such a fantastic author and I love your writing. Everyone should pick up your novels!

    Michael, you're very welcome. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Ooh, Born to be a Dragon and Unveiled do sound like they're up my alley. ;D Thanks!

  7. I have so much reading to do. I love it when bloggers highlight books. Thank you for helping me add to my TBR pile! Also, thanks for visiting our blog, today and always, even when we're crummy about stopping by here (and everywhere else). I KNEW there was a great couple from Vampire Acadamy, just from seeing it around the blogosphere, but haven't read it and was unable to remember the names when I posted. So glad you helped me out. Plus, now I'm definitely going to have to get those on my Kindle-and soon! Christy (Off to visit Critique Sisters now!)

  8. Victoria, you're very welcome!

    Golden Eagle, you're welcome!

    Christy, you're welcome. You sound as busy as I am you poor thing!

  9. Thanks for sharing about these. I hadn't heard of all of them. And I've only read Possession, which I loved.

  10. Yeah for debuts! There have been so many good ones this year (including yours), and still more that I can't wait for! I don't know how I'm going to catch up.

  11. Wow, what a fabulous list! Now I know what I need to read next :-)

    Happy Monday, and thanks again for letting me feature your awesome book. Really, for me it was no contest--my favorite book this year, and I feel so lucky to know you.


  12. Great books and Great authors. Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is a great list of debuts. There's a couple I haven't gotten around to. Thanks for sharing! <3

  14. You have a lot of great books on this list. Some I've heard of, but some are new. I'm especially excited to add Twenty-eight and a Half Wishes to my tbr pile.

  15. Loved Unveiled and I can't wait to read Possesion!

  16. Heather, thank you so much for including me on this list! And others to add to my TBR pile.

    All the best!


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