Wednesday Writing Goals And New Ventures

It has been far too long since I did a Wednesday Writing Goal post and I'm dying to know how everyone's progress has been going. I'm nearly finished with the latest pass of editing on the second channeler novel. It isn't time to throw confetti yet, but I'm getting closer. It will be to my editor by January easily and that means as long as all goes well, it will be releasing in March!

A few more exciting new ventures have been keeping me crazy busy too, one of which I'm ready to announce, the other~almost. You might have noticed the new button just below my blog header, the one titled CP Design. I began searching for cover designers for the other secret venture a few months ago and was blown away by how few are out there. Sure designers that use basic templates are plentiful, but I didn't want to end up with a cover that was similar to anyone else's. That would be worse than wearing the same dress as your rival to the prom. I found a few good designers but I realized, it wasn't anything I couldn't do myself with the right program. And the idea for CP Design was born.

My goal is to create excellent, professional quality covers (and other services such as bookmarks, business cards, blog headers, etc.) at an affordable price for authors. I've been into design for a long time and honestly I'm not sure why it never occurred to me to do this. I just finished designing my first cover and realized that I love doing it. Don't worry, I won't stop writing~ever~I'm just branching out. So how have you been doing on your goals? What are they for next week?


  1. Congratulations on your new venture, I wish you every success!

  2. I wish you only the best for your new venture. I've been thinking about bookmarks for THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH. I may pay your new business a visit next paycheck. Have a healing week, Roland

  3. Congrats on launching a new venture! I love design too, and I think it flows as a natural extension for many writers. I wish you the best of luck on it.

    As for my writing goals, I've been a little stagnant this week. I've come up short two weekends in a row with my 5k goal, but the WIP is still progressing and I should be finished with the first draft my late November.

  4. Good luck with your design business! I hope you have a lot of success with it:)

    I'm still working on my WiP. Hopefully I can get a few more chapters written by the end of the week.

  5. Sarah, thank you so much! :)

    Roland, I would LOVE to design bookmarks for Victor, it would be an honor.

    Tina, thank you! It really is a natural extension, one I'm enjoying tremendously. Wow, 5k is a huge goal, it's a great accomplishment to get anywhere near it my dear!

  6. Congrats on CP Designs! I think it's awesome that you are so fearless about tackling your dreams, Heather. You rock! :-)

  7. Good for you, Heather! Great news.

  8. Melissa, thank you! And best of luck, you can do it!

    Shannon, thank you, that is so sweet of you to say. :)

    Elle, thanks hon!

  9. WTG on your new venture! I think you'll do a fabulous job. Wishing you great success.

  10. Good luck with the design! It's always refreshing and exciting to take on something new!

  11. Good luck with your new venture! It sounds awesome. :)

    I need to get writing if I'm to finish my novel by the end of this month, which is the plan . . . the deadline's closer than I'd like.

  12. Great new business venture! As for my writing goals, I'm back on track and outlining. Hopeful for starting my nanowrimo novel and kicking out the finished first draft by the end of Nov.

  13. Isis, thank you so much for your vote of confidence, it means a lot. :)

    Natalie, thanks! And it really is!

    Golden Eagle, you can do it! Check back in next Wednesday to let me know how you're doing!

  14. Congrats on your new venture, Heather. Looks like you will be a tad more busy now!lol!

    The only thing I can report is that I do know what my next cover is goign to look like. I like it and can't wait to show it off. I think it's awesome.

    Eh, the edits are going slow this week. Have had some personal issues get in the way.

  15. LM, thanks, and congrats on being back on track!

    Lorelei, I'm sorry to hear about the personal issues. :( But I'm excited for you about your new cover!

  16. Congrats on your new venture. I'm sure it's very exciting!
    As for my goals, I have a lot of rewriting to do on my novel! I'm in the midst of that.

  17. How excellent! :) I love to hear how artists branch out to other things they enjoy? Did you design your blog graphics? If so, they are gorgeous!

    Sounds like you are on track with your edits. Sounds great!

    As for me, things are little busy but I'm still on track to finish my novel project this year. :)

  18. Lin, thank you, it is really exciting! Happy rewriting!

    Karen, I did, and thank you so much! :) You can do it, I know you can!

  19. Best of luck with your design ventures. I did graphic design for many years but I don't have time for it anymore with my writing.

  20. Great to hear that! I wish you success in your new business!

  21. Wow! This is fantastic news. Did you do your own cover for Spruce Knoll? I didn't realize. That is so great.
    Good designers are hard to find. You should put your name out there for some of the small indie publishing houses too.

  22. Lynda, thank you. It is a tough thing to juggle both, that's for sure!

    Aik, thank you so much. :)

    Christa, I didn't, though the idea was mine. I should, that's a fantastic idea! I'm working on two more designs then I think I'll do that after their reveals!

  23. How cool!!!! Congrats on your new business and good luck. :D I finally finished my killer revision this week. So yay! And I'm getting ready for Nano. :D

  24. I can't wait to hear more about your designs!!


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