Stop Two Along the Tour

I'm sorry to say that I don't have a Friday Creature Feature for you today. I had planned on a great one as I'm going to be featuring endangered species (real critters!) this month. But I'm sick and my head is so fuzzy I can't form sentences very well. You don't want to know how long it took to write this short post.

But I won't let you go completely emptied-handed. Today on the Spruce Knoll for Endangered Species tour I'm over at my friend Theresa's blog, Tales of Teaching Tribulations and Typing Teen Texts. Whew, I'm exhausted just typing that. We're featuring the panda so come on over to learn more about it, and to get an extra entry/point for the contest! Then, to enter, come back and click on the sidebar button for the contest.


  1. *sigh* But...but...I love my Friday creature feature fix! LOL. No worries. :-)

  2. I'm sorry to hear you are sick and hope you feel well again soon. I'm off to see you @ Theresa's blog! christy

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest!

  4. Jessie, thanks. *sniffle, sniffle.*

    Shannon, I know I'm so sorry. :( Next week I'll try my best to outdo myself!

    Linda, me too! And thanks. :)

  5. Roland, thanks!

    Christy, thank you hun!

    Lin, I'm getting better, slooowly...

  6. Feel better Heather.
    Funny, that's how I feel once I end my day driving a bus LOL!


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