Wednesday Writing Goal~Gifts

Since my manuscript has been off to my editor this month I've been working on a very special writing goal, and I finally finished it! Well, almost finished. Now it's in the editing process. What's special about it though is that it will be my holiday gift to all of you as it will be free. It's a short channeler story, Born Of Fire, that gives you insight into Aiden's history and character that you won't find anywhere else. I was hoping to have it out by the holiday but it looks like I won't quite make it. I want it to be perfect for you all so I'm working very hard on it.

I'm shooting for a January upload onto Smashwords and Wattpad, and of course I'll have a PDF file available for those who don't have ereader and just want to read on their computer. While it will be a late gift, hopefully it will be perfect for all of you who have ereaders hiding under your tree! The cover is by CP Design, hope you love it as much as I do!


  1. Heather, that is an absolutely gorgeous cover! Nice work!! I'm looking forward to reading Aiden's story. It will be a perfect after-New Year's read, thanks.

  2. Linda, thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it. Hopefully you'll enjoy the story just as much.

  3. Ooooohhhh... the cover is amazing!!! How exciting! Thanks for sharing, Heather!

  4. You are a darling for doing this at all. I love that cover as well. I'll certainly keep my ear to the tracks for your announcement of its official availability.

  5. I agree with Linda. This is a gorgeous cover Heather. And a great idea to give us a look at Aiden's life. This is something that everyone will want to read. It doesn't matter if they read the book or not. I can hardly wait until January.

  6. Krissi, thank you so much!

    Angela, thank you dear! Hopefully it will be out around January first.

    Karlene, thank you! Who knows, maybe it will even make it into the Amazon's top free books. Fingers crossed!

  7. Love, love, LOVE the cover. And it's about Aiden too! I can't wait to read it.

  8. YAY! Love the cover. Can't wait to read it. :D

  9. Karen, thank you so much! I loved writing this one and creating the cover.

    Tina, thank you hun! My fingers are crossed that you'll enjoy it.

  10. Thank you! Hoping you and yours are blessed this Christmas :)

  11. That's an amazing cover--I love the lettering and the knot-like symbol at the center. :)

  12. That's fantastic, Heather!! What a generous gift, sharing your writing in this way.

    Wishing you the merriest of holidays, my dear! <3 <3

  13. Oh, Heather, this looks and sounds absolutely fabulous! I can't wait! You've really spread your wings on this. This is really great!

  14. I second what Tina said! I'll be waiting to read it!

  15. Vanyelmoon, you're very welcome, and thank you! :)

    Golden Eagle, thank you so much!

    Carol, thank you sweety! Happy holidays to you too.

  16. Lorelei, thank you so much. Strange that you should mention it, spreading my wings is exactly how it feels. :)

    Lisa, thank you!!!

    Lin, yay! Thank you!

  17. Stina, thank you! I'm pretty excited about it!


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