Introducing~The Indelibles

My muse this last week, and several more before that honestly, have been a fantastic new group of authors that I've joined, the Indelibles!

Who are the Indelibles?

“We are indie authors who write middle grade and young adult fiction. We are dedicated to leaving a permanent mark on the world with our stories and words. We are The Indelibles.”

Each week, we'll explore fun, fabulous, and fierce topics for today's teens, drawing on pop culture and themes from the books we write. We're going to be doing a massive contest for our launch~which is today!~and one lucky winner and follower of the Indelibles blog will win a Kindle Fire. Yes, really!  We'll also be having a "Blogger chat" on January 11th and a writer/author chat on the 18th to answer questions about self and indie pubbing. See our blog for details.

For my portion of the launch celebration I'll be giving away an eBook of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll to one person who comments and follows the Indelibles. My portion of the contest will end this Thursday and I will announce the winner on Friday.

Welcome to . . .


How do you enter to win the Kindle Fire? 

The Blog Hop will take you to each of the individual Indelibles’ Blogs (which all have exciting giveaways of their own, by the way!). At the bottom of this post, there will be a KEYWORD and a LINK. Make a note
of the keyword and then click on the link to take you to the next blog on the hop . . . where there will be another keyword and another link . . . on and on until you get to the end.

How to complete the Blog Hop:
1. Visit every blog on the hop by following the links at the end of
each post.
2. Make a note of the keywords at the end of every post: they will
form a phrase.
3. Go to the Indelibles blog and enter the phrase into the form. 

Everyone who emails us the correct phrase AND who has both followed us on Twitter and liked us on Facebook will be entered into a random drawing for the Kindle Fire.

Good luck! And thanks for celebrating Launch Day with us! The next stop on the hop is Stacey Benefiel. Contest ends this Thursday at 12:01am and the winner will be announced later that day on the Indelibles blog. KEYWORD: ARE 


  1. Great luck with The Indelibles. I joined their followers some time ago. I wish luck to some person to win that Kindle Fire. Mine, of course, is still in my own contest --

    along with autographs of JK Rowlings, Stephen King, Robert Downey, Jr. Charles Schultz, and Clint Eastwood.

    May THE INDELIBLES make an indelible mark on blogdom, Roland

  2. Sounds like an awesome idea to market together. Great idea.

  3. Commenting for a chance to win. The Secret of Spruce Knoll sounds like its going to be really good! :)

  4. I'm excited to see so many authors dedicated to indie pubbing, and I'm glad I get the chance to meet some of you on this hop. Here's toasting the Indelibles!

    cheers, Ash

  5. I think the Indelibles is a great way for us to get to know some of you authors that we may not have heard of otherwise. I hope it works out well for you!

  6. What a great idea -- and congrats on joining the Indelibles!

  7. Very cool, Heather. Enjoy this great group!

  8. I love the idea of the Indelibles, and this introductory hop was a great idea! :-)

  9. Congrats Heather and good luck this year as part of the Indelibles--what a cool group of ladies!

  10. Congratulations to you all! This is very exciting and i look forward to introducing my daughter to all of you and your works AFTER i get to read them all of course :)


  11. Thanks for the giveaway Heather!

  12. Oh, I love all these Indelibles I'm finding today. Congrats, H! I can't wait to read your novella.

  13. I am so grateful for these kinds of hop because I find so many new authors and books I would never know about otherwise!
    Heather, your book sounds so intriguing - I'd not heard about it before now. I'm making it a point to grab it as soon as I can =)
    Thank you so much for participating in this hop!

    Gena Robertson

  14. I've already heard some good things about your book, and I'd love to win it!

    Good luck with the Indelibles!

  15. Wow! You go woman! I can't believe how much you do. It makes me dizzy.

  16. Nice to meet you! Hope to win your book!

  17. I became a follower of your blog. Your book sounds mysterious. I love secrets.

  18. What a fun giveaway/hop! And a great group of authors!

  19. This is blog hop is a wonderful idea to introduce readers to new books. I hope your sales soar!

  20. Congratulations to you and your new group! :)

  21. Such a great group and a wonderful giveaway. I'm stopping in after visiting Lisa Gail Green's fabulous blog and finding that she answered both your and my question. She also generously suggested her visitors go to a new blog and say hi. So, here I am.

    Great to meet you.

  22. LOL I blogged about it this morning. I guess I should check it out now. I haven't had time to do so yet.

    (I own the book so you don't need to enter me in your giveaway.)

  23. The Indelibles are such a great group of authors and the hop is a great idea!

  24. Thanks.. I love this tour! Alot of the authors I knew already but I have added a ton of new books to my TBR list from authors I am new to as well! SO EXCITING!


  25. It's so cool that you guys have set all of this up together to promote your books!

  26. Yay! Good luck to everyone who's entered!

  27. What a fun tour! Congratulations for being part of an exciting adventure.

  28. WhaT a great idea to meet new authors ;) and find many wonderful new reads ;)

    thanks kat

  29. Thank you for participating in the fun:) I am enjoying hopping around to the different sites and meeting new (to me) authors.

  30. This is a fabulous fun time for the YA bloggers. And what a great prize!

  31. So excited about you Indelibles!

    Becca @ The Bookshelf Muse

  32. I feel like a little kid on a treasure hunt.... YAY!!!!

  33. Heather, I am so impressed by all of you. What a great idea!

  34. So happy to have found The Indelibles! Good luck to you all.

  35. Best wishes - love the art on your website!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa, how sweet of you. :)

  36. Having a great time thus far on the hop!

  37. I just read the blurb, and I think I'd like this book. I'm wondering if there's an environmental theme underlying the plot like mine has. I'd say good luck, but stay persistent is more accurate.

    1. There is Sher! In fact, a show on global warming is what sparked the entire idea for this novel. :) I'll have to check yours out!

  38. What a fun idea! Thanks!!


  39. Very awesome of you guys! Best of luck with this. :)

  40. Thanks for letting us all in on a great competition. I discovered heaps of authors on the YA Scavenger hunt last year, so I'm enjoying this competition too!! Good luck everyone!!


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