Monday's Muse~Rebel Writer's Pledge

My inspiration this last week has been coming up with my post for the Rebel Writer’s Pledge. The pledge is the brain child of SA Larsen, writer and all around fabulous lady. It is a way for us writers to declare out goals, cheer each other on, keep hope alive, and keep one another on track. And it’s a blog hop! We have to list our writing/life goals and highlight one to add to the main pledge page. For each writer goal I’m putting a personal goal as well. Here they are:

Rebel Writer Pledge 2012

#1 Writer: I pledge to support my fellow writers and authors as much as possible by buying and reading my author friends’ books and by helping my writer friends on the Monday night #WritersRoad chat. Personal: I pledge to spend as much time with my husband as I do with my writing, and to talk to my sister and mother more often.

#2 Writer: I pledge to meet my deadlines for my press, turning in two more books this year. Personal: I pledge to exercise at least ½ an hour five days a week.

#3 Writer: I pledge to market my buns off but remember that writing has to take precedence. Personal: I pledge to ride my horse more so he gets rid of that fat hump on his neck. Oh yes, I noticed it buddy. (this one is in bold for SA Larsen. It's probably the most important one for me to remember. ;)

The rest of the Rebel Writer’s pledges: Sheri LarsenSamantha VerantKris YankeeApril Plummer,  Carolyn VShannon O’DonnellSusan OloierSharon MayhewLeigh MooreMelissa SugarSophia ChangStina Lindenblat,  DL HammonsRebekah,  Kelly HashwayMargayStephen TrempPK HrezoYelena Casale.


  1. Yay, what wonderful goals! You're such an amazing person and support for all of us! Good luck with all your goals and I'll be cheering you on!

    P.S. just changed all of my goals in my blog post to read "I pledge to". Duh, should have thought of that right away but brain is half functioning today LOL

    1. You are so sweet! We'll be each others cheerleaders. :)

  2. Heather, these are great goals! Of course I have no doubt you will make them all come true.
    I'm a little unsure of where the blog hop is. Who is doing this. Or, where the main pledge page is. But... for everyone involved, and know the secrets of the pledging... Good luck to you all!!

    1. Thank you for your confidence Karlene! To get to the main pledge click on the pledge button on my right sidebar.

  3. Great luck with your very worthy goals. I'm not a pledge making kind of fellow. I just silently strive to be better in whatever I am doing today than yesterday. May your dreams come true, Roland

    1. That works just as well Roland. And I have no doubt you'll achieve that! Thank you so much for your great wishes. :)

  4. These are really great goals. I especially like the reminder of, regardless how fun it is to use social media, writing has to come first :)

    1. Me too, though it's a tough one for me to remember at times. :)

  5. Great pledge! I support you in that! I just want to finish one book this year!!

    1. Thanks Lin. And you can do it! I'll be cheering you on!

  6. I love this! Good pledges. Your #2 is so doable (and something I'm also going to try and emulate). I'm cheering you on! :)

  7. Very admirable goals. I wish you all the best with them. I know how determined and talented you are Heather, so I know you will attain your goals.

    1. Thank you so much Michael. Speaking of goals, you and I have got to talk about collaborating on an illustrated Creature guide...

  8. Great goals. Marketing is very time consuming. I need to do more of it though. I tend to let it take a back seat to my writing. It should, but not that far back!
    New follower!

    1. It really is. Unfortunately I need to do more too. *sigh* Striking that balance is tough. Thanks so much for stopping by and following!

  9. these are great goals, and I guess, like you, #3 is the one I do least. Time to get moving on that one! Best, Heather~ :o) <3

    1. It's a tough one for sure. Thanks for stopping by LTM.

  10. You Go, Rebels! Wow, these are good pledges, Heather, and there's nothing like a community to keep you inspired. (Poor horsie, though, maybe he likes that extra heft to his neck--more to love and a secret source of energy??)

    1. A great community is what it's all about. LOL, yes, unfortunately, my horse enjoys being fat and happy. :)

  11. Those are awesome goals! Good luck with them. :)

  12. Awesome goals. I love your priority with writing and exercising, two things I need to do regularly.

    1. Thanks Natalie. I wanted to make sure I was dedicating equal time to my health mentally and physically. :)

  13. Your goals are all wonderful, both writerly and personal. What a great way to work towards that much desired balance. I wish you the best of luck as you not only reach but exceed your own expectations.

    1. The balance is the most sought after prize. ;) Thanks for the good luck!

  14. Yikes, I saw that Sheri bolded one goal...I didn't realize we were supposed to. I guess it's time to do a quick post edit. :)

    I love your goals...especially your personal ones. My hubby gets a bit jealous of my internet time.

    Happy Writing!

    1. Thank you. Mine is wonderful about giving me my writing and networking time. But I feel so bad!

  15. omgosh! you're a horse girl! I need to take some lessons so I can write my horse scenes more accurately. I'm so jealous.

    Love your goals!

    1. Anytime you need advice or have questions about horses just let me know! I'm always happy to help.

  16. You already do #1 more than any writer I know. You're an amazing support and inspiration to others. I wish you the best in accomplishing all of your goals this year!

    1. That means so much, thank you. It's what I strive for, to help others. You are so sweet! I wish you all the best of luck too.

  17. Can one persons goals be anothers inspiration? Those are awesome!! :)

  18. Heather, Hi,

    I am glad I stopped back. I would LOVE to collaborate with you on the Creature Guide.

    Let me know when you have some free time. I will have time in March, we can talk then if you have the time. Let me know. It would be AWESOME.

  19. Hi, I am a new follower and I support you in your goals. I like that or each writing goal you have a personal goal.


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