Teaser Tuesday~Born Of Fire

Today’s teaser is from my channeler novella, Born Of Fire:

The anxiety stirred not only her power awake, but her unborn son’s as well. It spread throughout her body in a rush that was almost scalding. She gasped for breath as she struggled to bring it under control.

Born Of Fire is the story of the night Aiden was born. Fans of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll who want to know more about the leading man are in for a special treat with this one. And for those who haven’t read either yet, Born Of Fire will give you a good taste of the series. The novella is free right now on Smashwords,  but hurry, it will go up to .99 cents next week!

Your turn, got a teaser for me?


  1. I'm off to check it out, Heather. I'd like to chat with you sometime about book covers. I am mapping out my plans to Indie publish this year. Sadly, I know little about graphic art.
    Thanks for inviting me to #WritersRoad. It was a good conversation.

    1. Sounds great Susan. To contact me go to my CP Design site, click on design prices, and scroll down. You'll see a link to contact me highlighted there! Sorry I don't put my email address anywhere, I get spammed like crazy when I do. :)

  2. Oooh, Aiden's mom must be under some stress. I have this on my Kindle -- I hope to dive into it this weekend. :) Thanks for the teaser.

    1. She is indeed, the worst possible kind. I hope you enjoy the read!

  3. Heather, if this goes through--I hope so!--it will be a first time in weeks.

    just downloaded Born of Fire, I'm enjoying the heck out of it! I just put up a thing about it at my facebook. More later on my blog. I promise!

    1. That's so sweet of you, thank you so much! I hope you like it.

  4. Great teaser!

    It must be a tenuous situation for her, if emotions can cause such an effect.

    1. That and then some! It's easily the worst day of her life.

    2. Heather, this is going to be a great story. Knowing the backstory, I'm excited to read this!

    3. Thanks Karlene! I hope you enjoy it.


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