Tuesday Writing Tip~Conferences

With the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest fast approaching and submission season back in full swing, I felt compelled to give a writing tip about submitting and conferencing. First you must write an excellent book, of course, but the key after that is to be prepared.

Tip: When attending conferences or submitting, come prepared. Bring a well polished query letter, synopsis, and up to the first fifty pages of your manuscript (though ten is usually enough). Bonus tip, when going to agent or editor meetings, bring a notepad and take notes based off what they say. Just be sure to stay engaged and make eye-contact periodically. 

How about you, any writing tips to share that are related to submitting or conference going?


  1. Thanks, Heather. I look forward to your Tuesday Writing Tips blogs. They've helped me prepare for that day hopefully in the near future.

  2. This is such a HUGE goal/dream of mine. :-)

  3. I love that tip about the notepad, Heather. I usually am scrambling, writing what they said on the back of their card as I leave the session, and then can't read it with all the weird abbreviations I made to fit it all in. (Remember when I thought I lost an agent's card in San Diego last year? All her subbing instructions were on there!) A notepad is brilliant.

  4. Great tips. There is a conference coming up in April in Western Washington, I got my note pad all ready to go!!! :D


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