Wednesday Writing Goals~ABNA

In between editing and cover designing I spent last week preparing to enter the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. I went back and forth on whether or not to enter for a while. I love being indie and having my own press and that won't change. However, a bit of traditional success and marketing for a different novel sure wouldn't hurt either. The best of both worlds, so to speak, one feeding the other. 

For those who don't know, ABNA is a free contest with a great opportunity. There are two winners, adult fiction, and young adult. Each gets a $15,000 advance and contract with the big six publisher Penguin. If you're wondering whether or not to enter, you should! But do it quick, there are a limited amount of spots and they fill up fast. 

But beware, the competition if extremely fierce. There are some outstanding writers entering. Your manuscript should be highly polished as well as your pitch because you'll need both. This first round is on the pitch alone, which has me sweating bullets a little. Did you enter? If not, did you reach your goals for last week?


  1. I'm hoping to be ready to enter today (tomorrow at the latest). My pitch and sample pages are done, but I'm just doing one last read-through before submitting.

    Good luck!

    1. My fingers are crossed that you'll be entered by tomorrow! Best of luck to you.

  2. Best of luck to you, Heather, and all the readers who enter. Penguin does some great stuff; it would definitely be a coup to win!

    1. Thank you so much Linda! It would be amazing.

  3. How exciting. Crossing my fingers for you. :)

  4. Heather, This is fabulous! Best of luck to you. I'm going to try for the general fiction. Thanks for the heads up on the contest!!!

    1. You're welcome Karlene. So glad to hear you're entering!

  5. I entered too. But I'm still sweating over my pitch--writing and rewriting, getting opinion after opinion. And, of course, none of the opinions agree. Oh, well, I'll have to go with my gut.

    1. That's so tough when opinions vary Connie. Sorry to hear that. In the end go with your gut!

  6. I initially wanted to do this very much, but I have much too much going on right now to do so! Good luck with it!

    1. I know that feeling April. Sometimes we've got to slow down and focus. Good for you for knowing when to.

  7. My genre is too young, but good luck to those who enter! I actually did some writing yesterday--WOOT!! :-)

    1. Bummer that they don't accept MG. :( Good for you for getting some writing done!

  8. I won't be entering the ABNA this year. I don't have a polished enough anything to enter to the competition. Best of luck with your entry. :-)

    1. Maybe next year Angela. Thanks for the good luck!

  9. Good luck! I entered this year too. Didn't make it past the pitch last year. I'm not hoping too much because sci fi and fantasy don't seem to do well. Figured it was worth another try though.

    1. I entered a fantasy novel last year too and didn't get past the pitch either. I'm entering a different book this year though. Best of luck to both of us!

  10. Last year I survived ABNA's pitch stage, only to called a liar, a thief, and ugly in the 2nd stage. Ah, I lied about the ugly. :-)

    I am entering with a novel I have already self-published - which they said I could do. Now, no matter the venom, I have 9 positive reviews (not that a high a number, true) and the modest sales that say some people thought enough about my prose to buy and then recommend it.

    I wish us both great fortune, Roland

    1. I'm so sorry that happened to you last year Roland. The competition can get out of hand in the forums. Here's hoping you blow them away this year!

  11. I did not enter. My manuscript is middle grade and not done. There's nothing wrong with you doing the Indie publishing and then traditional. Hope it works out for you. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Natalie! It really is a shame they don't have a middle grade catagory for this contest.

  12. Good luck! I am not entering, but I have been happy with the editing I'm doing. Querying soon!

    1. Thanks Alexia. And that's great! Best of luck querying.

  13. I entered. And I'm sweating bullets too! :o)

    1. My fingers are crossed for you Jessica! Wishing you the very best of luck.

  14. Good luck! I don't think there's anything wrong with an indie author looking at traditional options or vice versa. :)

    1. Thank you Tina. I figure I have nothing to lose and the exposure couldn't hurt. :)

  15. Well, I entered last year and made it to the quarter finals! I loved it bc it gave me a much needed ego-boost and made me think I actually had a shot at writing. Best of luck, H!

  16. Good luck are a great writer so hopefully they will see it. I am currently trying to find a suitable editor for my teenage paranormal novels. I've posted samples on my blog, feel free to take a look, since you probably like that kind of genre, and do try and follow too :)

  17. Creepy and beautiful Heather, all at the same time! Another excellent job. I love this.

  18. Good luck, Heather!

    I debated about entering for 2012 but decided not to. If all goes according to plan, I'll have two books to consider entering next year.


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