Who to See at Comic Con

What does Comic Con have to do with that incredible picture? Well, the picture is the reason I cannot go this year. My tropical adventure tapped my finances! But I'll be there in spirit!

Don't be fooled by it's name, Comic Con is definitely not just all about comics. It's also about movies, anime, and yes, books! A lot of great authors attend Comic Con and do signings. It is a crazy time, full of wild fans of all things entertainment and an excellent place to network if you're a writer.

If you're going this year be sure to check out Eldon Thompson, author of The Crimson Sword, The Obsidian Key, and The Divine Talisman. If you enjoy epic fantasy with a bit of hack and slash and some incredible imagery, you'll love him. Also check out Sarah Rees Brennan, outstanding debut young adult author of The Demon's Lexicon.

See what it's all about at: http://www.comic-con.org/


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