Twitter Tuesday ~ Emma Newman

I discovered Emma Newman when I visited a Twitter chat called Flash Friday (hashtag #flashfriday). Authors were posting links to their short stories for people to read and comment on. Intrigued by the idea, I read several of the stories then twittered links to the one's that really spoke to me. Emma's was one of those. I liked it so much I retweeted it (sorry for you non-twitterers who might scratch their heads at the term). For those of you who follow me on Twitter you know I only do that when I think something is really spectacular or helpful to writers. A random tweeter I am not. Not only can Emma write, she has a way with words like Picasso had a way with paint. This lady knows how to entertain.

More than just her writing though, Emma impressed me with her kindness and selfless desire to help other writers. Emma has podcasted her young adult novel, Twenty Years Later. Don't you traditional publishing folks go anywhere, I see you getting ready to click that x button. Once you listen to the first chapter of Twenty Years Later you'll understand that Emma didn't choose to publish this way because she wasn't good enough. She's more than good enough. She's amazing. Listen to just one chapter of hers and you'll be a believer too. It doesn't hurt that she has the perfect voice to do her own audio books! Twenty Years Later is about three teenagers searching for a kidnapped girl in post-apocalyptic London. More than that though, it's about the struggle to save what is left of humanity and the horrible truth behind London's darkest secret.

This is one gal you don't want to miss connecting with. Check her out on Twitter here:
And don't miss her website and your chance to listen to Twenty Years Later here:


  1. Gosh.

    I'm all teary eyed now! What a wonderful thing for an author to read on a cold dreary day! Thank you so much :)

    Thrilled to see that you like Twenty Years Later. It's going into pre-production at the publishers now, so you'll be able to hold it in your hand, should you wish to, around October time. Squee!

  2. You're absolutely welcome! I loved TWENTY YEARS LATER and can't wait to hold that hardcopy in my hands!

  3. Sounds like an intriguing read. Can't wait to see it in print!

  4. It really is. You should listen to a bit of the podcast Lindsey. That way when you read it you hear Emma's great voice and English accent. It adds a lot of atmosphere!


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