Monday's Muse~New Frontiers

It has been a very interesting week. With all the excitement of WriteOnCon I'm behind on reading everyone's blogs. I'm working on it though! During all the commotion I managed to get a bit of writing done. This picture of a nebula inspired me because my character is not only learning about the world around him but he is reaching greater depths of his personality. I love it when a character arc starts to come together!

As my one year mark with my agent nears its end he has informed me he is changing the focus of his business model and will no longer be able to focus on unpublished clients. Put less gently, he's downsizing and we're parting ways on excellent terms. Imn the hunt for a new agent for Trouble With The Dragon Empire, a young adult fantasy.

The good news is that my agent was happy to give me a recommendation and that I also have the recommendation of a few of my published author friends. Now I just have to polish off those query letters and jump back in the game.


  1. Ooh, Heather you know how I'm geek for all things space. This nebula is GORGEOUS.

    As for the agent, I like your attitude. It IS a new opportunity. I parted ways with my former agent as well this year and I think of it as a blessing in disguise.

    Just like you found this agent, I know you'll find another agent for your work.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Good luck with the querying. I hope you get some quick repsonses for requests and find the perfect match for you and your writing!!

  3. It's a very inspiring picture isn't it Karen? As soon as I saw it ideas started flowing. I didn't know you parted ways with your agent this year too! Best of luck to you on finding the right one this time around as well!

  4. Thanks Paul! I got my first request for a partial this morning, from my first choice! I'm pretty excited but I'm not holding my breath just yet.

  5. You'll have a new agent by the end of the week! I just know it!

    Good luck with the overhaul! I'm doing much the same thanks to the conference I just attended, and I'm also changing the name, although I don't know to what yet, so I'm keeping it until all the revisions are said and done.

  6. You're so sweet Lindsey! I love your confidence in me, it's inspiring. Good luck with your own overhaul! Hopefully we'll both be submitting ours at the same time!

  7. Good luck with the querying and way to go on staying positive. Sometimes refreshing an idea is just what you need to open new doors!

  8. Thank you so much Amanda! I think you're right. I'm in love with this re-write idea and I can't wait for the upportunity to start submitting it to new agents. Unfortunately I must since Blood Moon is still out 7 editors. Though that isn't really a bad thing either. ;)


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